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The waves of the future

Reading time: 13 minutes

This is the story of a space-age healing technology with roots 80 years in the past. Commonly known as ‘Rife technology’ because Dr Royal Raymond Rife is the most well-known scientist associated with electromagnetic healing, it’s also rather disparagingly known as ‘black-box’ technology because Rife’s original device was a simple black box containing an electronic frequency generator covered with meters and dials.

The equipment has changed over the decades, but the theory remains the same. Electronics specialist Jimmie Holman and his company Pulsed Technologies in Dallas, Texas, produce an electronic frequency generator that creates electronic signals that he claims can be precisely tuned to the specific cellular frequencies of any given bacteria, viruses and other pathogens to disrupt their ability to cause disease. These specific frequencies are known as the ‘mortal oscillatory rates’ (MORs) for that group of pathogens.

The machines supposedly work by sending electronic signals into the body through electrodes. As the signals are tuned to the pathogen’s specific frequency, they don’t harm any other cells in the body. The only claimed side-effect is an occasional toxic reaction that arises as pathogens are ‘neutralized’ and the body works to flush the devitalized cells from tissues and organs. Does this sound far out?

If yes, the reason is because the medical industry and schools worldwide remain stuck in the rather basic view of the human body as a biochemical machine. But the ‘body electric’ is fact, not fiction-as are the body photonic and the body quantum.

Researchers have established that endogenous direct-current (DC) electric fields are involved in all sorts of bodily processes. In the 1960s, many researchers, most notably orthopaedist Robert O. Becker, professor at Upstate Medical Center at the State University of New York, Syracuse, and director of orthopaedic surgery at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Syracuse, experimented with using electric currents to assist the healing of bone fractures and wounds.

Most recently, increasing evidence shows that electric fields guide and regulate normal developmental cell processes such as embryogenesis, while extremely low-frequency (ELF) oscillations play a role in the synchronization of neurons in the brain, circadian rhythms and biochemical (stress) reactions.

The body’s innate energy fields (‘biofield’) may even be involved in self-healing. “You’ve got to understand that all chemical reactions are also electrical,” says Dr Steve Haltiwanger, an independent researcher and former practitioner of orthomolecular neurology and environmental medicine, and a specialist in pathology and biological psychiatry. “Matter has both wave and particle properties. Cells in the body are basically crystal radio sets . . . cell membranes possess electrical potential and transport energy . . . you have proteins which are semiconductors. The body is electronic in nature down to the smallest level-like a series of nested energy fields.

Many researchers, notably the late German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp, have demonstrated that all living things, including us humans, emit tiny currents of light. These tiny biophotons, or particles of light, have been measured from a variety of isolated cells as well as from the surface of the body, and they’ve been linked to cell growth and differentiation, and are believed to be central to intercellular communication.

Haltiwanger frequently lectures on the complex properties of the cell communication that takes place through light and quantum processes. He also explains how living organisms and cells are composed of molecules that have liquid crystal properties-which means that cells in the human body have an electronic capacity to resonate at certain specific frequencies like antennas. When the correct frequencies are supplied to cells, these molecules resonantly absorb energy as well as information. Cell receptors can be activated by chemical signals (drugs, herbs, nutritional supplements) or by electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that have particular frequencies and amplitudes through a process known as ‘electroconformational coupling’.

So, not only are electronic signals capable of affecting and disabling pathogens, says Haltiwanger, but there are also very specific frequencies that can help the body to heal by strengthening cell membrane conductivity and overall cellular function. Which is how Jimmie Holman (co-founder of Pulsed Technologies) got into the picture.

Making a better TENS

The second of two car accidents in the early 1990s-both caused by uninsured drunk drivers-had brought Holman’s 25-year freelance electronics research career to an abrupt close. A year of almost daily conventional physical therapy had failed to reduce the excruciating pain and debilitation. He couldn’t sleep except in a straight-backed chair or on the floor. He couldn’t walk without a cane-and this, he was reassuringly told by his doctor, “was as good as it would ever get“.

Even though transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy-which uses low-voltage electrical currents from electrodes placed near the injury sites-did give temporary pain relief, by the time he got home from the doctor’s office, the pain was usually so bad he had to resort to medication.

“I was either at therapy or at home in la-la land,” says Holman. “I couldn’t think my way through anything. I couldn’t work. And although I never thought about suicide, I felt that if this was it, it wasn’t worth living.”

He was, however, intrigued by the short-term effectiveness of the TENS device and asked his doctor how it worked. The doctor had no idea.

At that point, desperate for relief and disenchanted with conventional medicine’s approach, Holman started looking for alternative ways to not just endure his situation, but actually to heal. Seeking out a local chiropractor was his first step.

Like his doctor, she also used a TENS device as well as other therapies and, one day, Holman asked her the same question. “She had no hesitation answering,” he said. “The TENS created [electronic] ‘noise’ that interferes with pain signals being sent to the brain. It doesn’t do anything to heal. It just effectively masks the pain.”

Because of his background in government surveillance systems using exotic signals and supercomputers for domestic and foreign governments, figuring out the technicalities of the TENS device was child’s play. Within a couple of days, Holman had duplicated the device from equipment lying around the house. He also made some improvements, including a programme that ran through a wide range of high-frequency signals.

After a few days of using his souped-up TENS, he noticed a difference. Not only was he enjoying significant pain relief, but he could tell something else was happening. His body was actually starting to heal.

This was the beginning of what for Holman has been a 20-year sojourn into the realm of energy healing and a new technology with potentials so vast that he likens it to space exploration.

A difficult path

Growing evidence suggests that Holman’s and Haltiwanger’s devices have a solid basis in science. Published research reveals that biological cells have electrical properties, certain biomolecules acting like superconductors may be involved in nerve growth, and “biological systems in general exhibit non-local, global properties which are consistent with their ability to function at the quantum level.”

There are even studies revealing that “short, sharp, magnetic-field pulses of a minimal amplitude” as treatment “are fasting-acting, economical and in many instances have obviated surgery” (italics ours). There is also a mountain of testimonials from patients and practitioners (see boxes, pages 55 and 56). Nevertheless, there continues to be resistance within the research community against investigating the potential implications these discoveries suggest and tremendou
s reluctance within the medical community to investigate electromagnetic (EM) healing.

‘Black-box’ technology fares even worse than most complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies in the eyes of conventional medicine. The suppression of electrical engineer Antoine Priore’s EM therapy machine, funded by the French government and developed during the 1960s and early 1970s, is probably among the more recent and telling examples.

After demonstrating “conclusive, total remissions of terminal tumours and infectious diseases in hundreds of laboratory animals” by using a mix of multiple EM signals, Priore’s work was suppressed because of threats from the conventional oncology community, a change in France’s government and, as described by nuclear engineer Thomas Bearden, a proponent of energy medicine, a “complete inability of the physicists and biological scientists to even hypothesize a mechanism for the curative results”.

Aside from scepticism, a major lack of funding and the threat this technology represents to the pharmaceutical industry, there is another reason the technology hasn’t caught on. Some CAM enthusiasts with little or no electronic background jumped on the bandwagon and started marketing equipment that, while based on Rife’s work, produces low-frequency audio-range signals as low as 15,000 Hz-despite the fact that the vast majority of pathogens function at frequencies over 300,000 Hz, says Holman.

The most popular argument for why these low-frequency devices can still be effective is that they make square waves-frequencies that jump from one fixed value to another, spending equal time at each, so producing a wave pattern like a Norman castle’s crenellations-which automatically create harmonics with frequencies that can reach many hundreds, even thousands, of times higher than the original base frequency.

This may sound complicated, but it’s really the same principle as in music. When you sound middle C on any stringed instrument, all the other higher and lower Cs will also vibrate in sympathetic resonance. The same thing happens when a square wave oscillates. Even if the device is chugging along at 7,000 Hz, all of other harmonics (700 Hz, 70,000 Hz, 700,000 Hz and so on) are activated as well.

But here’s the rub-the higher harmonics exponentially diminish in both power and efficiency, says Holman. According to Holman, who claims to have researched, dismantled and probed every piece of Rife-like technology on the market for two decades, some manufacturers claiming an output of 15,000 Hz barely produce 8,000 Hz and, if they’re producing higher frequencies, they’re mostly using modified, ‘carrier waves’ rather than a pure signal of the original frequency.

There is also a tremendous lack of frequency accuracy, but there’s no way for the consumer to know this unless he hooks his device up to an oscilloscope, a lab instrument used to analyze the waveform of electronic signals. In addition, few marketed devices are able to fine-tune the signal enough to hone in on the specific MORs of pathogens-which can and do frequently alter their internal frequencies in an attempt to “dodge the bullet”, says Holman-just as bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

Holman claims his company Pulsed Technologies, which he co-founded with software developer Paul Dorneanu, and now has labs in Texas and in Romania, builds equipment that can generate pure signals reaching up to a million hertz, with over 980,000 pulses per second, and alter the shape of the waves produced by fine-tuning individual frequencies down to thousandths of a decimal point (see

Exciting potentials

Perhaps even more exciting than pathogen disruption are the many ways EM technologies may support and restore the body’s health and regenerative capacities.

The human body has an astonishing ability to recover from disease when given a chance, and normal healthy cells typically run at around 85-100 microvolts-which, for a single cell, is an enormous amount of voltage. But because of our modern toxin-laden stress-filled lifestyles, most people’s cells lack sufficient energy. When we’re unhealthy, our cell membranes may be as low as 50 microvolts, says Haltiwanger. (A cancer cell carries a charge of about eight to 15 microvolts, he says.)

“Because the membrane potential is created by the difference in the concentration of ions inside and outside the cell, this creates an electrochemical force across the cell membrane,” writes Haltiwanger. “Electrochemical forces across the membrane regulate chemical exchange across the cell.” And the cell membrane potential helps to control cell membrane permeability to a variety of nutrients and helps to turn on the machinery of the cell, particularly energy production and the synthesis of macromolecules like proteins, fatty acids and nucleic acids.

Whether for nutrient uptake, information transfer, mitochondrial repair or adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production for metabolism, cell respiration and cell division, all cells need energy to function properly. And according to these bioelectricity pioneers, applying the correctly tuned waveforms can allow cells to reenergize and revitalize. The technology also helps in the delivery of supplements and medicines at the cellular level.

“It changes the terrain of the body to allow the cells to do their work,” says Dr Michael Payne, who runs a functional medicine, restorative endocrinology and biotherapeutic practice in Richmond, Virginia. “It organizes the body in a way that allows the absorption and activation of any form of medicine.”

Another application with enormous potential is molecular emulation, or copying, especially of the signaling molecules that assist cells in repairing tissues and protecting chromosomes from the deterioration believed to contribute to ageing.

The nick of time?

If the practitioners making use of this technology are to be believed, the possibilities with the use of EM signaling are endless for health and healing. Given the recent rise of resistant superbugs, resulting from the overprescription of antibiotics and the overabundance of antibiotics in our foods, it would seem this technology has finally arrived on the medical horizon none too soon.

At a conference in Copenhagen in 2012, Dr Margaret Chan, director-general of the World Health Organization, announced that rapidly increasing resistance to antibiotics could bring about “the end of modern medicine as we know it”.

In an interview on public TV’s Frontline in 2013, Dr Arjun Srinivasan, associate director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bluntly stated, “We’re in the post-antibiotic era. There are patients for whom we have no therapy . . . something that five years ago even we could have treated, but now we can’t.”

For most people, this news must border on the terrifying. Yet, for scientists like Haltiwanger, Holman, Payne and dozens of others in the EM healing field, there is also a definite upside. The current poor batting average of conventional medicine and the proliferation of doctor-caused illness and death are prompting many to take their health into their own hands.
“Everybody has watched at least one relative die of cancer,” says Holman. “When they have to start looking around, they see that some of this other stuff not only makes sense, it makes good sense. And that’s a real eye-opener.”

All Holman needs now is for some independent laboratories to test and confirm what many practitioners are claiming for his Rife-inspired machines (see boxes, right and page 55). It may well be a way back to the future.

The strange history of Mr Rife

Born in Elkhorn, Nebraska, in 1888, Royal Raymond Rife became interested early in life in microscopes and optical equipment, and worked for Carl Zeiss’ famous firm in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1912, he opened his own laboratory in San Diego, California, and allegedly accomplished advances in microscopy that modern technology is only now close to re

In 1914, Rife was granted an honorary Doctor of Parasitology degree from the University of Heidelberg. But he also studied polio, herpes, meningitis, tetanus and other pathogens, attempting to discover their fundamental life frequencies to develop the electronic signal that could destroy them. He also worked on finding a frequency to kill what he believed was the virus that caused cancer.

Many famous scientists and doctors endorsed his ‘beam ray’ work, including Dr Milbank Johnson, director of the Southern California American Medical Association. On 20 November 1931, some of America’s most highly respected medical authorities honoured Rife’s therapy with a banquet they called ‘The End To All Diseases’.

He also treated cancer patients from the Pasadena County Hospital, using his electronic frequency-generating machine. By the end of the trials, 100 per cent of the patients were said to have fully recovered their health-a miraculous medical victory announced on the front page of the San Diego Evening Tribune.

In 1953, Rife published his book History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi. In 1958, the State of California Public Health Department ordered that Rife’s ‘Frequency Instrument’ be tested by the Palo Alto Detection Lab, the UCLA Medical Lab, and two others. Although all four labs found it safe to use, it was nevertheless banned from the market.

Rife’s own lab was broken into twice, and many of his scientific devices, photographs and records were stolen, while an arson fire destroyed a lab in New Jersey just as it was about to publicly confirm the effectiveness of his beam ray machine. Medical journals also stopped publishing papers by anyone using Rife’s equipment. As the final coup-de-gr^ace, the police illegally confiscated the remainder of Rife’s life-long research.

Broke and reputedly addicted to alcohol and Valium, Royal Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83.

A pulsed powerhouse

A former MD and currently a naturopathic doctor (ND), Julia Schulenburg, head of the Center for Holistic Healing in Dallas, Texas, says she uses Pulsed Technologies equipment for a wide variety of conditions. Although Texas naturopaths like Schulenburg are not allowed to diagnose or treat medical diseases, many of her clients have seen their symptoms resolve when the technology was used to:

o ease insomnia, pain and allergies
o treat microbe-related distress, infections and wound healing
o assist lymph gland sluggishness
o deliver homeopathic medications
o remove toxins such as chemicals, insecticides, pesticides, heavy metals and others
o strengthen multisystem organ weakness
o mitigate the disruption of cell communication, energy chakras (centres) and chi meridians
o ease anxiety and biological stress due to electromagnetic frequencies.

Schulenberg’s success stories include the following:

o Insomnia.“I had a male adult suffering from insomnia and on Lexapro to sleep. After a round of seven consecutive sessions with the P3+ (one of Holman’s devices), he was able to sleep normally without Lexapro.
o Lyme disease. A woman in her 40s with this diagnosis was, after a decade of treatment, still unable to work or lead a normal life. She also could no longer tolerate continuing antibiotics, and even natural herbal and supplement therapies were disturbing-she ended up presenting with symptoms of nausea, weakness, seizures and seizure-like episodes. “After five weeks of integrative therapies, which included the use of two pieces of Holman’s equipment, the PPLED and the P3, she was able to continue on a regimen of herbals and supplements. Her seizure-like episodes stopped. With continued use of the frequency equipment with a supplement regimen, she was able to return to a normal lifestyle within one year.”
o Painful joints. One patient, a man in his 60s, suffered from swollen and painful joints of the hands, which were so stiff that he couldn’t make a fist or grasp anything firmly. He also suffered from pain in both feet while walking, and pain and stiffness in his shoulders, and he couldn’t raise both his arms over his head without pain. He also endured pain in other joints.“After three months with Holman’s PFG2Z and other supplements, he was able to raise his arms with minimal pain, increase his activities of daily living and squeeze his hands into a fist.”

Sending signals to brain cells

Before quitting his medical practice to engage in full-time research, Dr Steve Haltiwanger says he had excellent results using electrical frequencies to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis. He prescribed nutrients as well.

How did he think it worked in those cases? “You convert a debilitated cell into a functional cell,” he said, “[by] providing the signal that reduces inflammation.”

He recalled another case where a woman with multiple sclerosis showed “remarkable neurological changes” after the device was used. “She was highly unstable and couldn’t lift one foot off the floor for more than one second,” he said. “After six days of treatment, she could stand unassisted on one foot for 120 seconds. I had never seen such remarkable neurological change in an MS patient in my life.”

Zapping autism

Some of the most astounding reports on the use of pulsed electromagnetic (EM) fields come from Dr Michael Payne of Richmond, Virginia, who treated a boy with autism so severe that the child couldn’t be examined in his office for the initial assessment-it had to be done in a gazebo outside. The little boy, who was about four years old at the start of treatment, had no words, and would come in and trace out patterns in the office carpet with his toes.

For two years, his parents drove him twice a week to Payne’s office for treatments. “I did a series of frequencies that included brain reset and gut reset of the microbiome, a reset series for leaky gut syndrome and a reset series for cognitive health,” says Payne. “I also addressed parasites.”

At that point the boy began using words, one at a time. One hundred and fifty treatments later, he had moved past his diagnosis, was talking and had even developed a good sense of humour. Says Payne of the technology, “I’m the one that’s amazed everyday.”

Cate Montana

Cate Montana is an author, editor and freelance writer specializing in health and science

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