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Do you really need to take statins?

Starting: October 23, 2024 5:00 pm
Ending: October 23, 2024 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Dr Malcolm Kendrick has been fascinated by cardiovascular disease for over three decades and has written three books on the topic. The Great Cholesterol Con, A Statin Nation and most recently The Clot Thickens. He has also written Doctoring Data, which covers the many ways in which medical studies can be presented, primarily designed to deceive. He was attacked by the Mail on Sunday over five years ago, accused of broadcasting misinformation about cholesterol and statins, leading to many thousands of unnecessary deaths. He sued for libel and won.

His ongoing quest is to make people aware of how medical research, and the medical profession in general, has been captured by commercial interest – to the great detriment of human health.

In the upcoming WDDTY Talk, Dr Malcom will discuss if you really need to take statins, with WDDTY Co-Editor Bryan Hubbard.

Preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s with diet and nutrition

Starting: September 25, 2024 5:00 pm
Ending: September 25, 2024 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Patrick Holford is a Nutrition and Mental Health expert & Founder of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition, VitaminC4Covid, and the charitable Food for the Brain Foundation, where he directs their Alzheimer’s prevention project, including Alzheimer’s Prevention Day. Patrick is an author of 46 books, and reads hundreds of studies a year assimilating the latest health breakthroughs and turning them into practical advice to make it easy for everyone to live a healthy life.

Patrick was joined by Co-Editor Bryan Hubbard to discuss practical ways of preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s with diet and nutrition.

How homeopathy can help you

Starting: July 24, 2024 5:00 pm
Ending: July 24, 2024 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

In 1996 David Needleman, Consulting Pharmacist (retired) and Homeopath established The Homeopathic Helpline, a premium, professional, urgent advice and locum service for Homeopaths, Patients, the general public and Health Professionals alike.

David – our newest WDDTY guest columnist – will join Co-Editor Bryan Hubbard to discuss the wide ranging benefits of Homeopathy, and how it can help you.

As ever, there will be time to answer your questions live on the webinar, so make sure to join us! If you can’t join us live, you’ll receive the recording via email after the webinar.

If it’s not cholesterol, what causes heart disease?

Starting: April 16, 2024 5:00 pm
Ending: April 16, 2024 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist and leader in the field of epigenetics and is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit.

In the upcoming WDDTY Talk, Dr. Bruce Lipton will discuss the causes of heart disease, and the role that histamine plays, with WDDTY Co-Editor Bryan Hubbard.

As ever, there will be time to answer your questions live on the webinar, so make sure to join us! If you can’t join us live, you’ll receive the recording via email after the webinar.

Healthy Bones After Menopause

Starting: February 19, 2024 5:00 pm
Ending: February 19, 2024 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

WDDTY guest columnist and ob-gyn nurse practitioner Marcelle Pick, is passionate about transforming the way women experience healthcare through an integrative approach. She cofounded the world-renowned Women to Women Clinic in 1983 with the vision not only to treat illness but also to support her patients in proactively making healthier choices to prevent disease.

She has successfully treated thousands of individuals through her unique approach to wellness, so we’re very lucky to have her join us for the next WDDTY Talk! In the upcoming WDDTY Talk, Marcelle will discuss how to keep your bones healthy after menopause, with WDDTY Co-Editor Bryan Hubbard.

Healing with Light Therapy

Starting: January 10, 2024 5:00 pm
Ending: January 10, 2024 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

In 2006 Ruth became aware of light therapy which was a massive ‘light bulb’ moment for her, and she’s been studying the incredible field of photobiomodulation ever since.

In this upcoming WDDTY Talk, Ruth will explore the natural healing and positive health effects of red light therapy, for people & animals, with WDDTY Co-Editor Bryan Hubbard.

Why animal testing is wrong

Starting: November 14, 2023 5:00 pm
Ending: November 14, 2023 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Drug companies test new compounds on laboratory animals before giving them to people. But is it effective, let alone ethical? To argue the point, Dr Pandora Pound will be discussing the issues with WDDTY co-editor Bryan Hubbard.

Pandora is the research director of Safer Medicines Trust and the author of Rat Trap: The Capture of Medicine by Animal Research–and How to Break Free (Troubador, 2023)

Surviving a life-destroying Covid jab reaction

Starting: October 25, 2023 5:00 pm
Ending: October 25, 2023 6:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

In March 2021, award-winning author and entrepreneur Caroline Pover suffered a devastating reaction to AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine. In this upcoming WDDTY Talk, Caroline will discuss her journey with WDDTY Co-Editor Bryan Hubbard. We explored Caroline’s adverse reaction survival guide, and how she’s living her new normal.

The extraordinary healing powers of vitamin C

Starting: July 5, 2023 7:00 pm
Ending: July 5, 2023 8:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Dr Thomas Levy, a cardiologist, talks about the amazing healing properties of high-dose vitamin C.  He is one of the world’s leading experts on the nutrient, which he has discovered can neutralize toxins, resolve most infections and is an effective treatment for heart disease and cancer.  He has written 11 books and has been inducted into the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame.

This WDDTY Talk is sponsored by:

Treating Long Covid

Starting: June 15, 2023 7:00 pm
Ending: June 15, 2023 8:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Dr Raymond Perrin, an osteopath and neuroscientist, has developed a unique way to treat Long Covid.  The approach has evolved from his long-established and proven osteopathic techniques for treating MS/CFS.  He is in conversation with WDDTY co-editor Bryan Hubbard and he will be on hand to answer your questions if you join the live event.

Ecological Medicine: The Essential Foods in Your Diet

Starting: May 3, 2023 7:00 pm
Ending: May 3, 2023 8:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Dr Jerry Thompson is a GP and ecological practitioner who has spent years of research understanding the impact of food on our health. In conversation with WDDTY co-editor Bryan Hubbard, he discusses the foods that we all should be eating to maintain good health (and the main ones to avoid).

Is your immune system attacking you?

Starting: April 18, 2023 2:00 pm
Ending: April 18, 2023 3:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Is your immune system attacking you?  A range of health problems—from fatigue to tiredness and a general inability to cope—are often blamed on low thyroid function.

But up to 90 percent of cases of hypothyroidism are actually Hashimoto’s disease, when the immune system attacks itself.

Join us for an eye-opening discussion with leading nutritional therapist Georgia Lennard of Beyond Balance as she explains how you can properly diagnose Hashimoto’s—and why you can be taking too much iodine to counter a low thyroid function.

Everything you need to know about cancer

Starting: March 2, 2023 4:00 pm
Ending: March 2, 2023 5:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Our regular columnist Dr Leigh Erin Connealy joins us for a discussion about cancer—its origins, the best anti-cancer diet, other ways to prevent it, and strategies to support any treatment you’re having.

Since Erin joined the WDDTY team, we’ve been constantly amazed at her breadth of knowledge about the disease that afflicts so many of us.

Not surprisingly, she is one of the most sought-after cancer specialists in the US, and so we are especially privileged that she found time in her busy schedule to spend time with us and answer our questions.

If you’re a WDDTY subscriber, all the WDDTY Talk events are free! You’ll receive the link to your email address a few days before the event starts.

You don’t have to be tired all the time

Starting: February 9, 2023 7:00 pm
Ending: February 9, 2023 8:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Many of us suffer from chronic fatigue and tiredness: in short, our get up and go has gone.  But why?

For more than 20 years, Sarah Myhill has been battling the medical establishment about their understanding and treatment of CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome).  She was successfully treating it when many of her fellow doctors were still convinced it was ‘all in the mind’.

Today, she has a tested blueprint for recovery that centres on diet and supplements—and it’s helped thousands of people recover their energy.

If you’re a WDDTY subscriber, all the WDDTY Talk events are free! You’ll receive the link to your email address a few days before the event starts.

How to naturally recover from the symptoms of autism

Starting: January 10, 2023 7:00 pm
Ending: January 10, 2023 8:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

Autism has become an epidemic, affecting around one in 10 children. It also happened to Karen Thomas’s son, who was diagnosed when he was five. She was offered an array of drugs to suppress the symptoms and to help him cope with life—but Karen wanted to find a non-drug alternative approach.

She spent years researching autism and the many therapies available—and came to understand that autism isn’t a ‘mental’ problem, it’s biological. And, as with most problems, it all starts in the gut.

Today, Karen’s son has no signs of autism and lives a full life.

On this webinar Karen will outline what we can do if we have a child—or grandchild—who’s been diagnosed with autism.

If you’re a WDDTY subscriber, all the WDDTY Talk events are free! You’ll receive the link to your email address a few days before the event starts.

How fasting can reverse Lyme disease

Starting: November 10, 2022 7:00 pm
Ending: November 10, 2022 8:00 pm
Event Style: Online/Zoom

We’ve all heard of fasting, but there’s a radical version that’s been used for years in Russia—dry fasting. You go for days without food or any liquids and its exponents have found it’s the quickest way to reboot the immune system.

It’s been used with great success with auto-immune problems such as arthritis, but it also reverses chronic Lyme disease, as Michelle Slater—the guest on our November webinar—discovered.

Michelle’s story was the cover story in the November issue, and in this webinar she explained how you can use it safely for a day or two, the timeline of the full dry fasting process and details of her experience with this treatment.

If you’re a WDDTY subscriber then this talk is free! Subscribe and login to view this content.

Small movements can rebuild your brain

Event Style: Online/Zoom

Our October issue featured the extraordinary story of Erika Chopich who recovered from traumatic stroke in just two weeks.  Erika used a variety of therapies but central to her treatment was the work of Anat Baniel.

Anat, who is our guest on our December webinar, teaches the way small movements help rebuild the brain.  Her work has helped thousands of brain-damaged children gain a much improved quality of life.

She is the acknowledged successor to Moshe Feldenkrais, her mentor whose therapy she has adapted.  

If you’re a WDDTY subscriber, all the WDDTY Talk events are free! You’ll receive the link to your email address a few days before the event starts.
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