Nuts are a great low-GI (glycemic index) food – they don’t raise the blood glucose and insulin levels – that every diabetic should be eating, a new study has discovered.
Eating two ounces of nuts every day in place of carbohydrates helped control the glycemic load in people suffering from type II diabetes.
And it didn’t matter the type of nut eaten – or whether it was unsalted, raw or dry-roasted – they all had a positive effect, say researchers at the University of Toronto.
The researchers tested three different diets on a group of diabetics, who were given muffins, muffins and nuts, or just nuts to eat.
Those who ate a nuts-only diet saw their glycemic load fall to a level close to that which health regulator regard as ‘clinically meaningful’, an effect that is usually achieved only by taking drugs.
Furthermore, the group eating nuts saw their weight fall, too.
(Source: Diabetes Care, 2011; doi: 10.2337/dc11-0338).
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