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The needle and the damage done

Reading time: 10 minutes

Before it reaches its first birthday, a baby born in America will be given 26 inoculations as part of the most intensive vaccination programme in the world-and it is the least likely of any child born in a developed country to reach the age of one. This pattern is repeated in every nation with a concentrated immunization schedule, demonstrating a direct link between the numbers of doses given in the first year of life and infant death rates.

The US has the worst infant mortality rate of 34 countries assessed in a new research study, with 6.22 infants out of 1000 dying before the age of one. As around 4 million babies are born each year in the US, this means that 24,800 will die before their first birthday, and many could be the result of over-vaccination. This is the worst infant mortality rate of all the developed nations.

It’s a far different picture from that presented by the US National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program which, last year, accepted that only 107 children had died as a direct result of a vaccine, and paid out $110 million in compensation to the families.

Researchers Neil Miller and Gary Goldman,who carried out the study, believe that many vaccine-related deaths are being ‘reclassified’ to obscure any such association. They suggest, for instance,that some infant deaths attributed to ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ (SIDS) are the result of over-vaccination.

There is also evidence that the true harm that vaccines cause has never been published, and that drug companies and health regulators have colluded in the cover-up-possibly due to the belief that vaccines are a force for good, and that any harm they cause is far outweighed by their benefits.

However, there are two other possibilities for a cover-up. Any suggestion that multiple vaccinations could be harmful-or, worse, a killer-would spread doubt among parents who are always being assured by doctors that vaccines are safe, and compensation costs would put an enormous strain on a public purse that is already being tightened.

Over-vaccination appears to be the major problem-as was seen among the soldiers who suffered from Gulf War syndrome after being given an accelerated cocktail of vaccines.

But there is something else that is being added to this already toxic brew. Former drug-company researcher Helen Ratajczak has discovered that 23 different vaccines given to infants contain human DNA. Of these, the polio vaccination, which is developed in human fetal tissue, is given to babies at the age of two months.
Infant deaths

Miller and Goldman’s research draws a direct line between the intensity of a nation’s vaccination programme and its infant mortality rate. Close behind the US in their 34-nation survey is Cuba,which administers 22 vaccine doses to infants under the age of 12 months, and has a mortality rate of 5.82 per 1000 (see Factfile B, below). The UK also fares badly; its infants are given 19 vaccine doses in their first year, and it stands 25th in the table of worst infant mortality rates with 4.85 deaths per 1000.

Conversely, Sweden and Japan have two of the lowest infant mortality rates-2.75/1000 and 2.79/1000, respectively-and they include just 12 doses in their national vaccination programmes, the lowest in the survey.

On average, infant mortality rates were 3.36/1000 in nations that had 12-14 doses in their vaccination programmes, 3.89 for 15-17 doses, 4.28 for 18-20 doses and 5.19 for 24-26 doses (Hum Exp Toxicol, 2011; doi: 10.1177/ 0960327111407644).

The SIDS connection

If vaccines are a major cause of infant death, especially in the developed world, why hasn’t this been picked up before? Miller and Goldman believe that other causes-especially SIDS-are being cited, and it is also possible that over-vaccination may be playing a participatory role in the deaths even if it’s not the sole cause.

SIDS-or ‘crib death’, as it was once called-was such a rare phenomenon in the 1960s that it was not even included in the list of possible causes of infant death. Then, towards the end of the decade, a vaccination programme was introduced and, for the first time,American infants were required to have the DPT [diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough)], polio and MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) jabs. By 1969, a new cause of infant death-dubbed ‘sudden infant death syndrome’ or SIDS-had entered the medical lexicon, and it was sufficiently prevalent by 1973 to be included in the US National Center for Health Statistics. By 1980, it had become the leading cause of death among infants aged from 28 days to one year in the US(Pediatrics, 2002; 109: 274-83).

The average annual SIDS rate fell by 8.6 per cent between 1992 and 2001 following the success of the ‘back to sleep’ campaign, where babies were placed on their backs for sleeping. However, critics argued that this supposed decrease was achieved by merely massaging the figures. Other inexplicable causes of death among newborns-such as ‘suffocation in bed’, ‘suffocation-other’ and ‘unknown and unspecified causes’-increased dramatically. Rates of ‘suffocation in bed’ alone rose by more than 11 per cent, and the overall increase in the other categories more than wiped out any reduction achieved by the campaign.

SIDS is defined as ‘the sudden and unexpected death of an infant which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation’ and, although specific symptoms are not detected, autopsies have often discovered congestion and oedema of the lungs, and inflammation in the respiratory tract (National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Statistics of the United States 1988, volume II, Mortality, Part A. Washington, DC: Public Health Service, 1991).

One study revealed that two-thirds of SIDS victims had been given the DPT vaccination. Of these, 6.5 per cent died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13 per cent within 24 hours and 26 per cent within three days. The researcher concluded that the vaccine “may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death,and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential benefits”(Presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology,April 25-May 1, 1982, Washington, DC).

7.3 times higher in the first three days following DPT vaccination compared with the 30-day-plus period (Am J Public Health, 1987; 77: 945-51), a conclusion shared by another research team which estimated that the risk increased eightfold during the first three days following vaccination (Am J Epidemiol, 1992; 136: 121-35).

Doctors reassure parents that their babies can withstand multiple vaccinations-but their advice is at odds with biology. Vaccination programmes tend to start at the age of two months when the DPT, polio and the 5-in-1 DTaP/IPV/Hib jab are adminis-tered, but this is also a critical point in the development of the immune system. Although specific immune functions are competent, many cellular activities are not fully operational, and the overall immune system is compromised at that age.

Yet, this immature immune system is supposed to handle vaccines that have been grown in human fetal tissue, which introduces alien DNA into the body. The polio vaccine, administered to a two-month-old baby, is developed that way, as are 22 other vaccines. Helen Ratajczak, formerly a researcher with Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals,discovered that the rubella component of the MMR jab and the chickenpox vaccine are both prepared with human DNA (J Immunotoxicol, 2011; 8: 68-79).

Overall, many millions of cell lines of vaccine have been developed from the lung cells of aborted human fetuses since 1961 in the US and 1966 in the UK-although this has never been revealed to parents when seeking their consent for vaccination. These living hosts are essential elements in the manufacture of antiviral vaccinations.

This throws up an ethical dilemma for pro-life parents, and it also presents a potential biological hazard. Swiss researchers at the University of Geneva di
scovered that RNA taken from frogs’hearts could interlink with bacterial DNA in a process known as ‘transcession’,where information is exchanged between two genetic materials (World Medicine,1971; September 22, 69-72). Dr Maurice Stroun, who headed up the study, said: “Since we know that no bacteria got into the frog hearts, we can only conclude that the bacterial DNA must have been exuded from the bacteria and absorbed by the animal cells.”

Other scientists have also observed such a process. In one study where a virus was passed through cell cultures 24 times, researchers noted regular insertions and deletions in the virus,suggesting that the virus exchanged genetic material with the tissues in which it was cultured (Virus Res, 1987; 7: 335-49). These results were replicated at a research laboratory in Geneva, where researchers introduced human cells into bacterial DNA (Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2004; 1022: 195-201)

Scientists speculate that trancession is the cause of heart damage following rheumatic fever and bacterial infections. Dr Howard Urnovitz, of the University of Michigan, who has studied genetic mutations caused by vaccines, argues that our body has a ‘genetic memory’ of foreign substances it encounters, including vaccines.

However, there is a limit to the amount the body can handle before genetic damage occurs or progresses to chronic disease. That limit varies from person to person, depending on his or her unique immune capability.

Urnovitz’s theory would explain why over-vaccination could result in chronic disease or even death. As Dr Harold Buttram, a specialist in environmental medicine, has commented: “The implications of this work on transcession are enormous and reflect something that may be commonly taking place in human bodies. From the standpoint of future generations, the possibility that vaccines may be bringing about genetic hybridization in our children may represent far and away the greatest hazard of today’s childhood vaccine programmes.”

Other problems

Buttram, Ratajczak and others believe that the early introduction of alien DNA via vaccination into an immature immune system could be responsible for a range of chronic childhood conditions. American paediatrician Dr Kenneth Brock has coined the term the ‘four-A disorders’-autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies-to describe the major problems that together affect around a third of all children in the US (Bock K, Stauth C. Healing the New Childhood Epidemics. New York: Ballantine Books, 2007).

Sudden, and sharp, increases in all four childhood conditions happened around 20 years ago, and coincided with the introduction of the MMR II and chicken-pox vaccines, which are both developed in human fetal tissue.

Between 1983 and 1990, when the take-up of the new MMR vaccine increased, the incidence of autism in the US spiked from four cases per 10,000 children to one case per 500 children. By 1988, two doses of MMR II were being given.

A similar pattern was seen in the UK where MMR II was used for the first time in 1988; in that year, autism rates jumped alarmingly to one per 64 children. Canada, Denmark and Japan reported similar phenomena.

A second spike in autism levels happened in 1995 with the introduction of the new chickenpox vaccine, also developed in human fetal tissue (J Immunotoxicol, 2011; 8: 68-79).

Today, the autism rate in the US stands at one in every 100 children, and at one in 86 children in the UK.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) has increased by 400 per cent in the past 20 years, and affects around 3.5 million American children and 500,000 in the UK. Again, a similar pattern that coincides with the introduction of MMR II and the chickenpox vaccines can be traced. Over the same time period, asthma cases increased by 300 per cent and allergies by 400 per cent in children.

A cover-up?

Although the alarming explosion of cases of the four-A disorders correlates with the introduction of vaccines processed in human fetal tissue, it does not provide definitive proof of a causal connection.

Neurosurgeon Russell Blay-lock, who has studied the impact of vaccination on children’s neurological development,believes that researchers have never been encouraged to look for a link because no one even accepts the possibility. As the UK National Health Service emphatically advises parents on its NHS Choices website, “There is no evidence that having more than one vaccine at a time will adversely affect you or your child’s health. There is also no limit to the number of vaccines you can have in your life.”

On the very rare occasions that research has examined any possible reactions, the results may be massaged or lost. Dr Blaylock cites one occasion of a cover-up between vaccine manufacturers and health regulators when they were presented with evidence that the vaccines caused neurodevelopmental disorders and ADD (attention-deficit disorder).

In 2000, a private meeting was held between 51 scientists-including representatives from vaccine manufacturers-and US government health officials to discuss the alarming findings of a vaccine safety study prepared by Dr Thomas Verstraeten.

The study analyzed the reactions in 110,000 children from four regions, or health maintenance organizations (HMOs), after vaccination. In particular, Verstraeten and his research team were monitoring the effects of thimerosal, an ethylmercury compound that was used as a preservative in vaccines until 2000.

Astonishingly, the ‘controls’ for the study were children who had been given lower doses of thimerosal rather than children who had not been exposed at all.

The results were nonetheless worrying.’Misery and unhap-piness disorder’-where babies cry uncontrollably and are fretful-was significantly higher in babies given a thimerosal containing vaccine at one month, and the disorder was worse in babies given the higher doses of the mercury. There was also a “significant increased risk” of ADD and, by three months, there was a clear increased risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, including speech problems (Medical Veritas, 2008; 5: 1714-26).

Yet, when the study was finally published three years later, the reactions had all but disappeared and the effects were described as “insignificant” (Pediatrics, 2003; 112: 1039-48). In those years, a fifth HMO-the Harvard Pilgrimage-was added to the study, but children receiving the highest dose of thimerosal were excluded and the study entry parameters were altered.

US Congressman Dave Weldon, who read the original study, told the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of his concerns about the inclusion of the Harvard Pilgrimage group as it was in receivership, and its records were “a shambles”. Weldon wanted to release the original data to independent researcher Dr Mark Geier for reanalysis, but the CDC reported that the datasets had been “lost”.

Verstraeten’s own provenance was also ambivalent; in the published study, he described himself as an employee of the CDC and, yet, at the time that he was preparing the study, he worked for GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of one of the vaccines being analyzed.

In his commentary, Dr Blaylock cautions against blaming thimerosal-it is now used only in flu vaccines-and says that the real culprit is the intensive vaccine programme itself. “Too many vaccines are being given to children during the brain’s most rapid growth period,” he writes (Medical Veritas, 2008; 5: 1714-26).

The path to hell

During the meeting with drug company representatives in 2000, the CDC’s head of vaccine safety, Dr Robert Chen, stated that “the issue is that it is impossible, unethical, to leave kids unimmunized, so you will never, ever resolve that issue [of vaccine safety].”

Indeed, this belief would propel a cover-up of any damage, or even deaths, that the vaccines might cause. These children would be collateral damage-the unfortunate victims of a programme that benefits the vast majority, or so our health regul
ators believe.

But suppose that the intensive vaccine programme, and the way the vaccines are manufactured, combine to kill many thousands of infants around the world every year, and are also causing long-term chronic health problems in up to a third of our children-do the scales then shift and the harm begin to outweigh any benefits?

The path to hell may indeed be paved with good intentions.
Bryan Hubbard

Factfile A: Vaccines with human DNA

The following vaccines are produced with cells from aborted fetuses, containing DNA, proteins and/or cellular debris.

Vaccination Vaccine
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