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The Phoenix is rising

Reading time: 4 minutes

Cover-ups have brought down leaders before. Watergate was one. It involved the exposure of break-ins to opposition offices, bugging and other clandestine activities designed to steal power and control from political opponents. Nixon resigned as a result—having had his administration’s dirty laundry hung out to dry during a lengthy impeachment process.

What’s been happening under the Biden administration, or that of Boris Johnson, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Jacinda Ardern or any other head of state who has imposed radical measures justified by Covid-19 makes Nixon’s antics seem quite innocent by comparison. 

The imposition of authoritarianism that has stripped millions of their liberties, often hard-won by their forebears, has caused innumerable citizens around the world to lose their jobs or be sent into a spiral of mental health challenges. Then there’s the almost complete reliance on a single therapeutic intervention—an experimental gene therapy jab—for an infectious disease that behaves so differently in different population groups, while then attempting to cover up the consequences of this extreme form of medical nihilism. Or what about the hunting down, persecution or ostracization of the few frontline doctors who pioneered successful early treatment protocols with nutrients and repurposed medicines like ivermectin? I could go on.

The question remains: what stops all those involved in what appear to be clear crimes against humanity from facing the kind of interrogation that Nixon and his administration faced for lesser offenses during his impeachment proceedings? I suggest three main reasons why no one responsible for these crimes is yet in the dock.

First, there’s safety in numbers. The lockstep system of divide, conquer and control foisted on the public has been executed immaculately. 

It’s been aided by a global mass media co-opted by governments and pharmaceutical interests, forcing vast numbers of people around the world into a state of paralysis generated by continuously stoking hysterical fear of an invisible virus. 

This way, despite the visible flaws or irrationality of the ideologies of the controlling elite, they remain palatable because they embody the status quo of the in-group, just like during the era of Hitler’s rule in Germany.    

Second, the increasingly centralized locus of control of human activities on Earth means it’s now much easier to avoid contests or criticism. The “billionaire’s club” currently involved in most of the key levers of power. 

It’s like having only one boardroom that makes decisions for an entire planet’s population with impunity. The companies making the gene therapy products that so many have taken under the illusion it will buy them freedom have been indemnified without our permission, but with our taxes. 

Third, millions have been disempowered. Hundreds of thousands of doctors have not been brave or committed enough to practice the best medicine. They perceive the risk as too great to be part of an out-group. 

The Peter McCulloughs, Pierre Korys and Paul Mariks of this world are the few who have maintained their allegiance to the Hippocratic Oath, putting themselves at dire professional risk to deliver life-saving treatments used by a minority in the face of major pressure from the mainstream medical establishment. 

The public, hypnotized by mainstream media channels, have put their trust in governments to find a solution, not realizing governments and centralized control are the major part of the problem. 

The majority of health professionals have been too timid or risk-averse to do what they know is right, failing to recognize that their apathy is contributing to an increasing sense of public distrust of mainstream medicine that might never be repaired. 

Mainstream medicine is more broken than ever before because it has allowed, during these last two years, all the major principles of bioethics and good clinical practice to be put aside for the sake of one-size-fits-all public health that is making a killing for a handful of pharma companies, while actually killing tens of thousands unnecessarily. 

The US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) for deaths and injuries from Covid jabs looks bad enough, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg—and information from only a single country. 

Dark this may all sound. But like anything that is no longer fit for purpose, it has to collapse fully to allow the rebirth of something better from the ashes. 

We are unlucky enough to witness the agonizing downfall of patent-hungry, ‘magic bullet’ Big Pharma, and most of us will have lost family members and friends to its business model.

But the phoenix is rising. There is already an extraordinary movement of doctors, scientists, nurses and other health professionals who are done with the old model. Together we’re already working on the new. 

Many who are passionate about working for the greater good have already united—and I know with every cell of my body that the fruits of this collaboration, in which I am closely involved, will offer future generations an approach to wellness that is truly for the benefit of humanity. 

Article Topics: Hippocratic Oath, medicine
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