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Ivermectin does help you survive a Covid infection

Reading time: 1 minute

It’s been the go-to Covid remedy among conspiracy theorists—but a new study suggests that ivermectin, a drug to treat gut parasites in people and animals, really can help you survive an infection.

Researchers from the University of Miami assessed its effectiveness against the antiviral remdesivir on 41,608 Covid patients and discovered that there were around 5 percent fewer deaths among those given ivermectin.

Not surprisingly, the study results quickly attracted criticism.  For one, the researchers weren’t comparing like for like; people given remdesivir are usually suffering a worse Covid infection and are probably in hospital, whereas those given ivermectin were more likely to be out-patients and were also younger, critics said.

The Miami researchers recognised the differences in the two groups.  Those given ivermectin were, on average, around 52 years old, while those on remdesivir had an average age of 62.  As to the severity of their infection, around 1 percent of the ivermectin group was on a ventilator—suggesting they were in ICU (intensive care unit)—and around 2 percent on remdesivir had ventilation.

Even if these differences are factored back in, it still suggests ivermectin is as effective as a leading Covid treatment, and yet it doesn’t have FDA approval and very few doctors are using it.

(Source: International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2022; 116: S40)

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