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When Mars falls back to Earth…

Reading time: 21 minutes

After developing Parkinson’s disease and searching out a natural cure, international best-selling author John Gray of Mars/Venus fame made an astonishing connection between the condition, his childhood and his stratospheric success

How high are human beings meant to fly, when it comes to celebrity and success? It’s there a point at which adulation becomes so overwhelming that it sends a bright star crashing back to Earth? International superstar author John Gray found out, a few years after the global megasuccess of his Mars/Venus brand.

One night while watching TV after a relaxing dinner, John’s wife Bonnie looked over at him with alarm. “John, your head is shaking,” she said.

Gray was shocked. He’d had no idea his head was moving, but once he did, he couldn’t do anything to stop it. “I would focus my mind, my head would involuntarily shake back and forth, and I was powerless to control it,” he said.

Over the next few days, he realized the tremors were just getting worse. A few days later, his doctor finally put a label on his symptoms. “You have the early stages of Parkinson’s,” he said. He tried to throw Gray a carrot. “Don’t worry. There are good treatments for it.”

“To me, that felt like a death sentence,” said Gray. His wife’s aunt had had Parkinson’s disease, and they’d nursed her until she died.

“I had already learned that the ‘treatments’ he referred to would only temporarily take away symptoms,” he says. He knew that patients with Parkinson’s have a down-regulation of dopamine, and the standard medical approach is to administer L-dopa, a synthetic form of the brain chemical.

“As soon as you begin the treatment, the clock begins to tick. Over time you need increasing doses of Parkinson’s drugs until they don’t work at all and you die.”

This sort of ‘treatment’ was not acceptable, so Gray embarked on his own search for a cure. He came across the work of Dr William Hitt, who has a clinical practice in Tijuana, Mexico, and treats patients with a variety of ‘brain’ conditions, including many forms of addictions, with a nutritional programme he terms ‘neurointegrative therapy’. Gray was impressed to learn that patients of every variety, including those addicted to cocaine, were coming off their drugs without side-effects.

After travelling to Hitt’s clinic in Mexico, John received an intravenous (IV) infusion of a number of amino acids and nutritional supplements, which enabled his body to make enough dopamine (see page 34). Within nine days, all his symptoms had disappeared.

When he returned home, Bonnie noticed that it wasn’t just the shaking that had stopped. John was less distracted and restless when she talked to him, and more relaxed and present, more interested in their relationship and the family.

“After the first few years of marriage, when I talked, it was like you were always in a hurry to be somewhere else,” she told him. “Now, you are more like the guy I married.”

John himself noticed an even bigger change-life felt a good deal easier than it had been before. He had more energy, less distraction, more discipline. His life felt orderly and organized.

“Then it dawned on me. Most of my life, I had ADHD [attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder] and didn’t know it. I just thought life was hard. I had no idea that life could be so much easier; I simply concluded my problems were my problems and I had to just push through them every day. I had no idea that I was experiencing many of the common symptoms of ADHD.”

John had been an impulsive, highly disorganized and hyper-distracted child, constantly shifting his attention and procrastinating until the last minute to get things done. His mother often had to pour water on him to get him out of bed.

At school, whenever he focused on learning or reading, he would quickly get tired and often fall asleep. He kept himself awake and focused only by eating rolled-up balls of white bread, a pint of milk and packets of vanilla biscuits.

“After school, I would then get my fix of sugar and caffeine with two 16-oz Cokes. In retrospect, I can now see that I was simply medicating my ADHD with junk food.”

He’d also had several brain concussions from a fall as a teenager and several car and motorcycle accidents-all situations that, like excessive sugar, also cause oxidative stress in the brain.
As John began researching the causes of ADHD, he discovered a common link between Parkinson’s disease, ADHD and other mental conditions: a down-regulation of dopamine, a brain chemical necessary for motivation, focus-even loving relationships.

An even bigger light-bulb moment came when he realized that the brain-killer common to all these conditions was hyperstimulation in its various forms: too much sugar; too many loud, brightly coloured video games; too many street and prescription drugs; and, in his own case, too much stratospheric success.

In 1992, Gray had published his international mega-hit Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, which went on to hold the record as the best-selling hard-cover non-fiction book of all time. For some six years, it topped best-seller charts around the world.

“Our family would be having Sunday brunch and listing something good that happened to each of us that week. And when it came to my turn, every week for six years I’d reply, ‘Well, I’m still number 1 on The New York Times best-seller list.’

“I had international celebrity status, I had my own private jet, I was f^eted wherever I went; I had the high lifestyle and stimulation of mega-success and, in a sense, nothing else was giving me pleasure.”

All this attention proved to be overwhelming. At the end of those six years, he developed his first signs of Parkinson’s.

Dr Hitt’s treatment for Gray would last for three months before he’d have to return for another series of treatments. But after several visits to the Mexican clinic, John decided to formulate his own oral supplement programme, which eventually included brain rebuilders like undenatured whey protein and other amino acids that help the body produce its own dopamine (see page 34). He takes these supplements in a morning shake and hasn’t suffered from tremors for 12 years.

In the process of healing himself and observing how it improved his own relationships, Gray, the relationship expert, began to recognize the enormous effect of our modern overstimulated world on men and women and also on their relationships .Increasingly, the line between his clients’ relationships and their health became blurred.

He went on to spend some of the proceeds from his books on a major health centre at his ranch in California, enlisting complimentary doctors and naturopaths to research natural and inexpensive solutions for the health of his clients. After 12 years he closed his health centres to focus on educating the public about what they learned. He now counsels those who come to him for marital issues about their health as well. In his latest book on relationships-Staying Focused in a Hyper World-he suggests various natural supplements and treatments to heal the brain of ADHD, restore memory and improve brain performance (see page 34).

Having flown in a cosmic orbit for many years, Mars has never been happier, now that both feet are firmly planted back on Earth. “This,” John says of his latest work about health and its connection to relationships, “is what I live for.”

Lynne McTaggart

Free download
The following pages have been excerpted from John Gray’s new book, Staying Focused in a Hyper World, available on Kindle on and as a paperback or e-book on His new book offers revealing new evidence of the dangerous side-effects of prescribed medications for ADHD and a comprehensive exploration of scientific studies supporting natural solutions to improve brain performance, memory and heal the ADHD brain. For a free eBook starter guide go to

Star light, star too bright

Internationally bestselling author John Gray blames t
he current epidemic of conditions like ADHD on a host of brain killers in our ‘hyper’ modern lifestyle and offers some simple solutions
Something new is happening to our brains. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and a spectrum of related mental conditions are a growing epidemic particularly in America, but are also spreading around the world. Without practical drug-free solutions, millions of children, teens and adults needlessly spend their lives ‘coping’ with one or more of its hidden undesirable symptoms-from mood disorders and divorce to obesity, anxiety and addictions.

The condition not only touches our children, but affects most adults as well. It causes couples to lose interest and attraction for each other, which eventually leads to divorce. If your ADHD develops into Parkinson’s disease, as it did for me (see pages 25-26), then the odds of experiencing some form of cognitive impairment are one out of two, according to the Parkinson’s Foundation.1
The rising tide of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is a mirror image of the increasing numbers of children with ADHD. This inability to appropriately regulate or sustain focus affects all areas of life at every stage. Without sustained and flexible focus, we have limited access to our potential for happiness and success.

When ADHD persists into adulthood, the symptoms change. Hyperactivity may turn into restlessness, impulsivity may become risk-taking, and distraction may turn into feeling overwhelmed. As a result, adults with ADHD often have problems with interpersonal relationships and employment.

The different brain
ADHD is not just laziness or an excuse for poor performance. It’s not just ‘all in the head’, but it is literally in the brain. It is now proven to be a measurable physical impairment of normal brain function caused by oxidative stress.

With advanced technology, researchers have found that the brains of children with ADHD are actually different from those without ADHD.2 One study found that the front part of the hippocampus, considered the memory centre of the brain, tended to be larger in ADHD as a compensatory response to the child’s inability to focus. Also, the amygdala, the primitive emotional centre of the brain, was smaller in children with ADHD and had weaker connections to the prefrontal cortex, or problem-solving part of the brain. According to a study of 163 children with ADHD compared with 166 healthy controls, the ADHD children had a thinner brain cortex in areas relating to attention and motor activity.3 Other studies have shown that people with ADHD have fewer brain receptors and transporters in the parts of the brain involved with pathways for motivation or reward.4

But medicating the condition with drugs is not the answer. Researchers at the Brookhaven National Laboratory did a study showing that the long-term use of stimulant drugs to treat ADHD actually changes the brain, making the disorder even worse .5 This may explain why doctors have to eventually increase the dosage due to drug tolerance (see page 32).


In some ways, the term ADHD is itself misleading. The list of common symptoms is often varied and even contradictory. While some children are distracted and disorganized, others are restless and impulsive, and some are both. In most cases, there is no actual deficit of attention at all. Instead, there is an inability to allocate attention appropriately.

Some ADHD children who are inattentive, distracted or ‘spaced out’ are unable to direct their attention to what their teachers are saying and are instead focused on daydreaming. Other ADHD children who are hyperactive, impulsive or restless are also unable to focus on the teacher, but for different reasons. They are simply not that interested in what the teacher is saying and would rather be somewhere else.

They can’t sit still in the classroom, but they can certainly sit still in front of a TV or video game.

Martha Bridge Denckla, MD, a clinician and scientist at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University, says she faces this confusion regularly from parents who bring their children to the ADHD clinic where she practises. “I am constantly having to explain to parents that ADHD is not a deficit in the sense of, say, a budget deficit or a thyroid deficiency, where you don’t have enough of something. Rather, it is the control over attention,”
she says.

“Allocating one’s attention appropriately for success in school requires a degree of willful control-what might be thought of as will power-to turn away from a preferred activity and focus on an activity that may not be as compelling or immediately rewarding.”

People with ADHD have plenty of attention-that’s why they can play video games for hours or get lost in their Legos, or devote endless attention to things that are physically more stimulating like junk food, drugs, danger, digital entertainment or internet pornography. They may have plenty of focus, but are unable to easily shift that focus to less stimulating activities.

This inability to focus on less stimulating, normal activities causes them to focus more on activities providing a giant boost of stimulation. So, while enjoying the high stimulation of a video game, children are easily distracted from cleaning their room or doing their school homework. Over time, the increased motivation to play a video game causes them to become disconnected from their inner motivation to cooperate and please their parents and teachers.

The tendency to focus on activities that provide immediate and easy gratification gives rise to an extended range of ‘hyper’ symptoms that show up in different people according to their unique temperaments (see box, page 31). But all of these hyper tendencies are symptoms of the same condition that leads to ADHD.

15 possible causes of ADHD

In the simplest of terms, the cause of ADHD is oxidative stress in the brain. Here are 15 aspects of our modern lifestyle that contribute to or directly cause oxidative stress. This increase in oxidative stress, both in the gut and brain, gives rise to the symptoms of ADHD. By healing the stress, we increase our ability to focus.

1 Acetaminophen

Fever suppressants, and cold-, flu-, allergy- and pain-relief pills like Tylenol, Nyquil, Percocet and Vicodin, and products like Panadol that contain acetaminophen (paracetamol), contribute to the oxidative stress that gives rise to ADHD. Acetaminophen inhibits the natural activity of glutathione, an enzyme produced by the liver to protect the brain from free-radical oxidation.6 The result is oxidative stress. When used to suppress fevers, this commonly used medicine suppresses your body’s natural ability to defend and heal itself.7 A 2014 study revealed that children whose mothers took acetaminophen while pregnant had a 37 per cent higher risk of being diagnosed with ADHD.8

Children and adults with ADHD, bipolar disorder and autism, as well those who suffer from dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, have low production of glutathione, the body’s master molecule for minimizing oxidative stress.9 Low glutathione also inhibits development of the myelin sheath, which insulates your nerves and protects the brain against overstimulation. Demyelination in the brain, the hallmark of neurodegenerative disease, is just another way of saying ‘oxidative stress’.


Chronic exposure to known neurotoxins such as food ‘enhancers’ like MSG (monosodium glutamate) and HVP (hydrolyzed vegetable protein) make the brain more vulnerable to the free-radical oxidation caused by methylmercury,10 most commonly found in certain fish, conventionally grown foods and dental amalgam fillings as well as the air we breathe and water we drink. ADHD and dementia both share one common denominator: they can be triggered by heavy metals like mercury.11

3 Sugar

Studies of head trauma victims show that high blood sugars cause oxidative stress in the brain.12 But even if you haven’t hurt your head, excess consumption of so
ft drinks, fruit juice, bread, cookies, ice cream, cakes and other sugary foods raises blood sugar levels, leading to oxidative stress in neurons and chronic inflammation throughout the brain.

High blood sugar in mothers during pregnancy can overstimulate a developing baby’s brain, causing a decrease in dopamine receptor sites which, in turn, leads to down-regulation of dopamine receptors, a situation linked to ADHD.4

A study from Harvard Medical School found that sugar-laden meals activated the nucleus accumbens, an area of the brain also stimulated by class A drugs like heroin, cocaine and ecstasy.13
High insulin levels, which result from high blood sugar, inhibit glutathione production and lead to oxidative stress, making the brain more vulnerable to toxic metals like lead, mercury and cadmium.14 Numerous studies also postulate that high sugar consumption can lead to reduced numbers of dopamine receptors in the reward-related brain regions, as seen in ADHD.15 Children will then regularly consume more sugar to compensate for poor dopamine function.

4 Unfermented soy and pasteurized dairy

ADHD can be caused by inhibited digestion due to consuming soy protein, soy milk and pasteurized dairy products. This prevents the production of the metabolic enzymes and amino acids necessary for healthy brain function. But it’s important to note that ‘fermented’ soy products and raw dairy products aren’t harmful and don’t affect digestion.

5 A sedentary lifestyle

This hampers the lymphatic circulation that detoxifies the brain of heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins in our air, water and food, leading to increased toxicity and brain infections and inflammation. A lack of exercise also prevents brain cell growth and limits the circulation of blood to heal brain infections. Physical movement is necessary for brain development and the production of brain neurotransmitters. When neurotransmitters are insufficient, we seek out forms of passive stimulation instead of exercise to avoid the feelings of boredom associated with low brain chemical production.

6 Stress

Chronic psychological stress induced by harsh punishments, loss, disapproval, or physical violation or threat raises stress hormones which, in turn, lead to oxidative stress in the brain. The chronic production of stress hormones inhibits the production of glutathione. Various forms of childhood or adult trauma can raise your cortisol (stress hormone) set point, leading to persistently higher blood sugar levels and causing even more oxidative stress in the brain.

7 Stimulant drugs

Brain scans can now confirm that excess dopamine stimulation from street drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin and methamphetamines can alter and injure the brain.16 And similar changes take place in the brain after taking prescribed stimulant drugs for ADD/ADHD (see
box, page 32).5, 17

8 Video games

Excessive playing of violent video games has a similar effect on the brain as taking any stimulant drug, including doctor-prescribed Ritalin and Adderall. Using brain scans, researchers at Indiana University reported that playing violent video games alters brain function in healthy young men after just a week, depressing activity in the regions associated with emotional control.18
A stimulant drug floods the brain with higher than normal levels of dopamine. This overstimulation causes dopamine receptor sites to down-regulate, leading to dependence on the stimulant. In the case of video games, this stimulation increases blood flow to the nucleus accumbens, the pleasure centre in the midbrain. At the same time, blood flow decreases to the prefrontal cortex,19 which has activity associated with decision-making and impulse control.

Extended time on a video game increases our ability to play the game, but decreases control over behaviours that can lead to substance abuse and pathological gambling. In fact, the neural circuitry that mediates the desire for internet video games is similar to that observed for substance addiction.20 And to lesser degrees, watching TV, listening to loud music, and eating junk food and processed bread have similar effects on the nucleus accumbens.

9 Induced labour

Induced birthing procedures using synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin) can double the risk of ADHD. In a study of 300 children whose mothers received Pitocin at birth to induce labour, 67 per cent of them were diagnosed with ADHD.21

10 Divorce

Statistics reveal a greater risk of ADHD-like behaviours in the children of divorced parents, particularly when boys miss out on the regular influence of their fathers, or their mothers are unable to find happiness.22 The presence of a father figure increases the brain chemical dopamine in a child, while the presence of a happy mother can also generate healthy levels of this brain chemical.23

11 Pornography

A 2006 Dutch study found that erotica had the highest addictive potential of all internet applications.24
A study of brain scans at Cambridge University found that pornography addiction leads to the same brain activity as alcoholism or drug abuse.25 Online pornography and non-personal sex can stimulate massive dopamine levels and, like any addictive drug, this intense increase in dopamine changes the brain by down-regulating dopamine receptors. This down-regulation then requires increased stimulation to provide normal levels of sexual fulfillment.
During normal intimate sexual intercourse, the body releases four times more prolactin than from masturbation.26 This prolactin increase is associated with sexual satiety in both men and women, a natural ‘I’m done’ signal. But the prolactin levels associated with masturbation or internet porn have the unique ability to override this natural signal. As a result, internet porn can lead to a blunting of interest in sex with a real partner and an increased desire for more porn.

12 Antibiotics, pesticides, plastics and GM foods

Antibiotics kill dangerous bacteria in the gut, but they kill good bacteria as well. The loss of good bacteria allows the toxic yeast-like fungus Candida albicans to overpopulate the gut. Holistic health practitioners recognize that children with ADHD and autism almost always have different degrees of indigestion that may be due to an excess of Candida.27

Excessive Candida in the gut inhibits the healthy production of B vitamins and neurotransmitters necessary for normal brain function. Without the ability to make vitamin B12, the liver cannot produce the glutathione needed to protect the brain from oxidative stress. Children who were not breastfed or have taken lots of antibiotics have a higher risk of bowel disorders and Candida infestations.28
Both genetically modified (GM) foods and the pesticide residues in conventionally grown foods can also kill off beneficial bacteria in the gut and give rise to excess Candida and gut problems. The most popular herbicide worldwide is glyphosate, and studies have confirmed that this synthetic toxin alters and destroys beneficial intestinal bacteria in animals and in people.29

Glyphosate in GM foods is also directly linked to ADHD and dopamine function because it inhibits the utilization of the amino acids phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine.29 Phenylalanine is necessary to make tyrosine which, in turn, makes dopamine. Tryptophan is the amino acid for making vitamin B3, which balances cholesterol, increases energy production and boosts blood circulation to the brain, and the calming brain chemical serotonin. Deficiency of serotonin is directly linked to higher stress levels, anxiety and depression. The inhibition of tyrosine is linked to weight gain, low metabolism and inability to focus.

GM glyphosate also impairs the transport of sulphate, needed by the liver to make glutathione.29 In addition, glyphosates inhibit both the production of key hormones and vitamin D.30 Vitamin D production and utilization is essential for over 2,000 genes and is a key player in brain development.

Besides gut problems, children wit
h ADHD often have hormonal imbalances, which can be directly caused by exposure to toxic chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, used in plastic bottles and toys.31 One review concluded that perinatal exposure to a variety of endocrine (hormonal) disruptors, including phthalates and pesticides, was related to the development of ADHD as well as autism spectrum disorder.31

13 Gluten intolerance and other food sensitivities

Studies have shown that, for many adults and children, food sensitivities are a major cause of ADHD.32 The most common culprits are gluten, non-fermented soy products (soy milk and tofu), pasteurized dairy products, GM foods, corn, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, eggs, food dyes, preservatives, antibiotics and/or artificial sweeteners. Food allergies and sensitivities cause gut inflammation, which, in turn, leads to inflammation in the brain and ADHD.

14 Toxicity

Increasing levels of toxicity in our air, water and food not only cause oxidative stress in the brain, but also deplete glutathione, so contributing to the oxidative stress that gives rise to ADHD.33 In addition to common neurotoxins, scientists have identified 201 common industrial chemicals, of which five in particular-lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), arsenic and toluene-are “developmental neurotoxicants” contributing to ADHD and other mental disorders.34

15 Nutritional deficiencies

Over the past 100 years, farming practices using synthetic fertilizers have depleted the soil of the vitamins and minerals necessary to stimulate the production of brain chemicals.35 One published study concluded that non-GM is 20 times richer in nutrients, energy and protein than GM corn.36 Those missing vitamins and minerals are all needed to protect the brain against oxidative stress. Iodine deficiency is also linked to oxidative stress. The WHO reports that this is one of the main causes of impaired cognitive development in children.37

John Gray is the #1 international bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus and the Mars Venus health series of books. This is an excerpt from his new book Staying Focused in a Hyper World. See page 26 for details of the free ebook starter guide.

The hyper disease

Symptoms of ADHD show up in many different ways, but with one common thread. Just add the word ‘hyper’ to almost any normal temperament and you get ADHD. This one condition creates different symptoms that can easily be identified as hyperactive, hyper-focused, hyper-impulsive, hyper-controlling, hypersensitive, hyper-distracted, hyper-introverted, hyper-extroverted, hyper-social, hyper-reclusive, hyper-independent, hyper-passive, or simply hyper-spaced-out and unable to focus at all.

With ADHD, a naturally introverted child becomes ‘hyper-introverted’ and thus overly fearful of social interactions. A naturally extroverted child becomes ‘hyper-dominant’ and insensitive to others. A naturally serious child becomes ‘hyper-responsible’, but often resistant to change and overly judgmental of others. A naturally playful child becomes ‘hyper-playful’ and spontaneous to the extent that he doesn’t finish things and becomes overly disorganized.

The overstimulated brain

With too much stimulation, the brain’s reward circuitry becomes desensitized and less affected by normal stimulation. This causes the number one symptom of ADHD: boredom in response to normal stimulation and an increased need to escape boredom through excess stimulation. This means that the opportunity to play a video game, watch TV or eat a sweet dessert becomes more important than the normal stimulation of doing what it takes to earn the approval of parents and teachers. What’s more, the reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex further inhibits the ability to focus on what’s really important.

High on meds

Ritalin, a commonly prescribed ADHD drug, and cocaine act in the brain through the same pathways. Adderall, which is slightly different, acts in the brain like methamphetamines, or crystal meth. Stimulant drugs can have a big effect on the brain from the very first use. A recent study by the University of California at San Francisco has revealed that cocaine can rewire the brain and drastically affect decision-making after just one use. This change makes the search for extra stimulation override other health priorities.1

A 2005 report by neurologist George A. Ricaurte and his team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is even more damning of ADHD meds. Ricaurte’s group trained baboons and squirrel monkeys to self-administer an oral amphetamine similar to Adderall. “Two to four weeks later, the researchers detected evidence of amphetamine-induced brain damage, encountering lower levels of dopamine and fewer dopamine transporters on nerve endings in the striatum.”

According to Professor William Carlezon of Harvard University, ADHD medication damages the nucleus accumbens in the developing brain, leading to a loss of drive in adulthood.2 This research has since been confirmed by others, including two researchers at the University of Michigan.3

The studies all found damage to the nucleus accumbens, even with low doses given for a short period of time. This part of the brain is important for motivation, focus, pleasure, interest and even falling in love. It regulates the production of the ‘feel-good’ brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin.

Oxidative stress to this part of the brain is not only associated with addictive cravings and behaviours, but with ADHD as well. From an evidence-based perspective, addictions are simply an attempt to temporarily reduce or eliminate the symptoms of ADHD. While these studies claim that the injury is permanent, there have as yet been no studies of the effects of natural solutions to assist the brain in healing this condition (see box, page 34).

1 Nat Neurosci, 2013; 16: 1367-9
2 Neuropharmacology, 2009; 56 Suppl 1: 122-32
3 Neuropharmacology, 2004; 47 Suppl 1: 33-46

Natural brain healers

Listed below are several simple protocols to begin your journey of finding out what works for you. They are designed to fit your particular budget as well as your willingness to take supplements.

In all cases the suggested doses are for adults. For children who can’t yet swallow pills, capsules can be opened and their contents added to food shakes or other healthy drinks.

To find the right dose for your child, consider the suggested doses as being for those weighing 100-200 lb (45-91 kg). So if the child is in the range of 50-100 lb (23-45 kg), they would benefit from half-doses, while those 25-50 lb (11-23 kg) would require a quarter of the dose. Keep in mind that these suggestions are always approximate and they needn’t be exact.

If you do take too much of a supplement, the only side-effects will be the slight discomfort of a headache, stomach ache or mild diarrhoea-and there’s nothing to worry about. If you feel nauseous or have a headache, try taking supplements with food. If discomfort still persists, then lower the dose. To find the right dose for you, stop for a couple of days and then resume with a lower dose than you were taking. Follow this procedure until the discomfort goes away.

Protocol 1
The easiest and most inexpensive regimen, this programme includes only six supplements. As you experience the results, you can cut the doses in half. After you recognize the benefits, use only as necessary.
1. 1/2 tsp liposomal vitamin C twice daily
2. 2 capsules grape seed extract twice daily
3. 2 multimineral capsules of ionic trace minerals and orotates twice daily. Start with one a day and gradually increase to two capsules twice a day. These minerals support brain performance and also clear heavy metals from the brain. Too much detox may cause a temporary headache or slight head pressure. After taking one, if you don’t have a headache or slight head pressure that day, then increase by one capsule each day up to four a day. At times of major stre
ss, you can increase the dose as needed up to two capsules three times a day.
4. 1 omega-3 capsule twice daily, or liposomal DHA, which can be added to liquids for children who can’t take capsules
5. 1 multivitamin twice daily
6. 1 berberine capsule before every meal.

Protocol 2
The most effective protocol for focus, mental flexibility and positive mood, this programme includes eight supplements twice a day and a denatured whey protein shake for breakfast. After you experience results, you may cut the doses in half-if you’re taking one dose a day, then take one dose approximately every other day-and use as needed.
1. Follow the guidelines for Protocol 1 and add the following supplements
2. 2 scoops of undenatured whey protein with some fruit (half a banana or berries and 8 oz of water or almond milk)
3. 1 time-released capsule of multivitamin B complex
4. 1 capsule of digestive enzymes 10-20 minutes before your morning shake and before each meal
5. 1 capsule of 2-AEP membrane complex 10-20 minutes before each meal (to repair cell membranes and balance blood sugar)
6. 1 capsule of phosphatidylserine (PS) 10-20 minutes before each meal (to support the fluidity of cell membranes).

Dairy-free Protocol
instead of using undenatured whey protein as your protein source, use the following non-dairy amino-acid supplements. Bear in mind, though, that many people sensitive to dairy can still digest undenatured dairy whey protein. This programme includes nine additional supplements. After you experience results, you may cut the doses in half. Use as needed.
1 Follow the guidelines for Protocol 1 and add the following supplements
2. 1 scoop of collagen peptides, 1 Tbsp MCT oil, a handful of goji berries, half a banana and natural vanilla flavouring added to a morning shake. Gradually increase MCT oil to the maximum dose of 1 Tbsp, but decrease the dose if bloating or pain occurs due to Candida die-off, then gradually increase it again.
3. 1 capsule l-tyrosine 10-20 minutes before each meal
4. 1 capsule 5-HTP 10-20 minutes before each meal
5. 1 capsule N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) 10-20 minutes before each meal
6. 1 time-released capsule of multivitamin B complex with breakfast
7. 1 capsule of digestive enzymes 10-20 minutes before each meal
8. 1 capsule of 2-AEP membrane complex 10-20 minutes before each meal (to repair cell membranes)
9. 1 capsule of phosphatidylserine (PS) 10-20 minutes before each meal (to support the fluidity of cell membranes).

1 Moberg PJ. ‘Cognitive Changes in Parkinson Disease’, in Martine R, Duda J, eds. Parkinson’s Disease: Mind, Mood & Memory. National Parkinson Foundation;
2 Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2006; 63: 540-9
3 Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2006; 63: 795-807
4 JAMA, 2009; 302: 1084-91
5 PLoS One, 2013; 8: e63023
6 Physiol Res, 2010; 59: 225-32
7 J Leukoc Biol, 2011; 90: 951-62
8 JAMA Pediatr, 2014; 168: 313-20
9 Curr Med Chem, 2009; 16: 2965-76
10 Neurochem Int, 2000; 37: 199-206
11 Horowitz R. ‘Are ADHD and Dementia Preventable Diseases?’ Psychology Today, 2013;
12 Neurosurgery, 2000; 46: 335-42; discussion: 342-3
13 Am J Clin Nutr, 2013; 98: 641-7
14 Curr Top Med Chem, 2001; 1: 529-39
15 Postgrad Med, 2011; 123: 39-49
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19 NeuroImage, 2006; 29: 706-11
20 Compr Psychiatry, 2011; 52: 88-95
21 Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 2001; 15: 131-8
22 Kruk E. ‘Father Absence, Father Deficit, Father Hunger’. Psychology Today, 2012;
23 Cereb Cortex, 2013; doi: 10.1093/cercor/bht310
24 Cyberpsychol Behav, 2006; 9: 95-103
25 PLoS One, 2014; 9: e102419
26 Biol Psychol, 2006; 71: 312-5
27 Adv Mind Body Med, 2013; 27: 14-8
28 Appl Environ Microbiol, 2014; 80: 2889-900; Gastroenterol Hepatol [NY], 2013; 9: 393-5
29 Entropy, 2013; 15: 1416-63
30 Interdiscip Toxicol, 2013; 6: 159-84
31 Acta Paediatr, 2012; 101: 811-8
32 Eur J Pediatr, 2010; 169: 1129-38
33 Environ Health Perspect, 2000; 108 [suppl 3]: 405-8
34 Lancet Neurol, 2014; 13: 330-8
36 Torres M. Comparing Vitamin, Mineral and Energy Content of GMO vs. Non-GMO;

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