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The 6 hidden causes of cancer

Reading time: 22 minutes

‘New Medicine’ specialist Dr Patrick Kingsley saved thousands of cancer patients by using tests and treatments overlooked by most doctors. Here are his six hidden causes of cancer


Over more than 30 years of practising this type of medicine, I discovered the causes of most illness, particularly cancer, came down to one or more of the following: diet; infections, especially fungal ones; toxic substances like heavy metals and chemicals; environmental agents; nutritional and hormonal deficiencies or imbalances; other deficiencies; and emotional problems and stresses of all kinds. Each patient’s life and medical history usually offered important clues.


A lack of digestive enzymes


If you’ve ever seen a placenta after a birth, you’ve probably noticed the amazing number of large blood vessels, which only took nine months to develop! In this way a pregnancy could be likened to cancer: new blood vessels form to feed the fetus just like new blood vessels sometimes form to feed tumours. But by day 56 of pregnancy, the maternal and newly developing fetal pancreases combine forces to produce an amazing amount of digestive enzymes, which stop rapid cellular division in its tracks. From then on, cell division in the placenta slows to a normal rate.

This suggests that digestive enzymes might be an important factor in controlling the rate of cellular division and so be vital in the management of cancer.

After food is swallowed, digestive juices break food down to be absorbed into the bloodstream and then used to build up tissue. Although you might borrow from your body’s pool of nutrients and enzymes, these should be returned to that pool after the food is digested.

But if you eat food that’s been pasteurized, microwaved or is full of pesticides, or was empty of nutrients in the first place (like refined flour products and most junk food), you aren’t replenishing your nutrients but are, in fact, using them up. In the end, a deficiency of enzymes can lead to inflammatory conditions (enzymes are anti-inflammatory) and cancer. So cancer may develop due to a chronic deficiency of digestive enzymes-which, you remember, control cellular division.




Stress of any sort is a major cause of cancer. Time and time again I found that some form of stress occurred shortly before cancer was discovered. Stress not only affects your immune system; it also seems to create a metabolic demand for better and more nutrition. Yet because of stress, people often don’t eat properly, but snack on junk food and sugar, and drink too much tea, coffee and alcohol. This creates an ideal environment for cancer.


Too much acid


Stress also causes the body to become more acidic in pH. The liquid (serum) part of blood is meant to stay within a narrow range-at around 7.36, or just on the alkaline side of neutral (7.0). If anything happens to disturb this equilibrium, the body may excrete more acid via urine, sweat, saliva, breath and possibly faeces. If this carries on for too long, the too-acid status makes it suitable for cancer to develop.

Normal cells thrive in a slightly alkaline environment, whereas cancer cells thrive in a relatively acid one. But our metabolism is rather complicated, such that the area around cells can be too alkaline even as the cells themselves are too acidic. This is part of the body’s compensatory mechanisms, which may not be producing the most desirable response.

Sadly, the way humans now live produces more acid than our bodies were originally evolved to handle. Foods can basically be divided into two groups: alkaline foods are mainly vegetables and fruit; and acid-forming foods are all animal products, including dairy, all grains, sugar, tea and coffee, and all manufactured beverages.

Happily, there is greater alkalinity in alkaline foods than acidity in acid-forming ones. So a little of both in a sensible balance is not necessarily a bad thing. But all the chemicals that now pollute our world-diesel and petrol fumes, the byproducts of industry, pesticides and food additives-all add to acidity.

The late German doctor Waltraut Fryda was convinced that all cancers are the result of chronic adrenaline (epinephrine) deficiency, caused by the constant ‘fight-or-flight’ stress of daily modern living. This keeps pumping sugar into the body’s cells, which gradually poisons them, making them more and more acidic-which favours the development of cancer.


Free radicals


A free radical is an unstable, unpaired oxygen atom produced by normal metabolism. An oxygen atom has a central proton with two electrons, exactly opposite each other, spinning round it at phenomenal speed in perfect balance. When oxygen is used, it ‘loses’ one of those electrons and becomes unstable and wobbly-just like a free radical. In this state, these atoms rush around in a blind panic, trying to steal an electron from anywhere.

But Mother Nature also produced an antidote: antioxidants. In health, when a free radical is formed, it is immediately ‘quenched’ by an appropriate electron from an antioxidant. As antioxidants normally come almost exclusively from fruit and vegetables, a ‘correct’ diet is important. If your antioxidant intake is poor because of poor dietary choices, and you then add additional free radical production because of an unwise lifestyle, it’s easy to see how things can go wrong.


A fungus


An interesting decades-old theory proposes that cancer is actually your body trying to protect itself from a ‘cancer-forming fungus’, as various fungi have been grown from tumours. On examining a fresh blood sample from a healthy person by microscopy, these fungi can be seen mutating into harmful forms.

The idea that harmless organisms can become harmful under certain circumstances is well understood by nutritionally orientated doctors. Throughout your gut and on your skin, especially in moist areas like the groin or beneath the breasts, single-celled Candida organisms live in comparative harmony with the body. But if you change the environment by taking oral antibiotics, or eating lots of sugar or refined white-flour products, this harmless organism can become harmful. It can develop ‘mycelia’ (long branching filaments), which can penetrate local tissues, break off and invade other parts of the body. The range of symptoms caused is very wide indeed.

Interestingly, this notion was popularized in 2007 by Italian oncologist Dr Tullio Simoncini, who believes that nearly all cancers involve an acid-forming fungus. He has simply injected sodium bicarbonate directly into tumours and caused their consequent demise.

Professor Gerry Potter, Professor of Pharmacy at De Montfort University in Leicester, UK, discovered what he called ‘salvestrols’, chemicals that fruit and vegetables naturally produce to protect themselves against fungi. These salvestrols also have cancer-protective effects, but foods sprayed with antifungal chemicals don’t produce them. So when we humans eat such sprayed foods, we’re not getting these protective salvestrols.

So, it’s important to go over
your medical history in great detail to identify the causes of your cancer. If it’s not immediately apparent, you may need to undergo some tests to find out more.


The best tests


Virtually every cancer patient complains of a degree of tiredness that healthy people don’t have. Yet, as far as your doctor is concerned, your blood tests revealed nothing. This suggests that he hasn’t done the appropriate blood tests that might explain the fatigue.

Nearly every cancer patient has a poorly functioning thyroid, yet I rarely see an obviously subnormal set of thyroid function blood tests. If it’s not working at normal capacity, your overall body metabolism will be sluggish, your body will not function as efficiently as it ought to and you will be less able to deal with the cancer yourself.

Here are the tests that most doctors overlook.


Serum ferritin.If the standard haemoglobin test (for anaemia) shows that your haemoglobin level is acceptable, then GPs and lab technicians often won’t test for serum ferritin, an indication of iron stores. Yet many is the time that a patient’s haemoglobin is perfectly acceptable, but their serum ferritin is disastrously low.

One study finally put into print what I’d been saying for years-that people may not be anaemic, yet feel tired all the time.1 When serum ferritin was measured in 144 women, those with levels below 20 mcg/L felt less fatigue when given iron supplements. Yet, according to their haemoglobin counts, they did not need iron.


Thyroid function.The most important of these are for FT4 (free thyroxine), FT3 (free triiodothyronine) and TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone). Most labs in the National Health Service will screen for TSH only, and if the result is within the lab’s reference (what they consider normal) range, the other two are seldom measured.

TSH is produced by the pituitary gland, while T4 and T3 are produced by the thyroid gland itself. To put it simply, TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to produce hormones, mainly T4 and T3. If TSH is ‘normal’, then the others are assumed to be normal too.

Yet, what’s important are the levels of thyroid hormones actually circulating in the blood, not the amount of TSH. That’s why many patients said to have TSH in the normal range actually had T4 and T3 at below acceptable levels. What TSH their pituitary was producing was not effectively stimulating the thyroid itself. This told me it was likely that both the pituitary and thyroid glands were not working properly.


Vitamin D.There is now a good deal of published evidence of how important vitamin D is, as receptors have been identified in the brain, breast, prostate and blood lymphocytes, among many other parts in the body. I suggest having a blood test for vitamin D as 25(OH)D, but don’t accept your local laboratory’s reference levels as those will be based on levels in the local population, not on what they should be.

Most Britons don’t get enough sunshine, and when the sun does come out, they’re either indoors or fully clothed. For me, the ideal level to work towards is 65-85 ng/mL (163-213 nmol/L), while 20-40 ng/mL (50-100 nmol/L) is insufficient and below 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) is definitely deficient.


Candidaovergrowth.If you have a history of taking antibiotics, whether only one strong course or, more likely, a number of courses over time, then it’s likely that Candida is playing a part in your cancer. And many patients with such a history lack the obvious features that thrush would suggest. So this simple test that is remarkably accurate is worth doing, especially as it won’t cost you a penny.

First thing in the morning, fill an ordinary glass with water virtually to the top. Gather as much saliva in your mouth as you can and lay it gently on top of the water. Don’t spit it onto the water, but let it float on the surface. If the saliva stays on the surface for about half an hour, you do not have a Candida problem. If it all virtually immediately sinks to the bottom, you have a major problem. There are various grades in between, with ‘legs’ or ‘strings’ floating down towards the bottom.

The test only seems to apply to the saliva you produce first thing in the morning, before you’ve drunk anything or, of course, brushed your teeth. If done later in the day after having consumed something, it can give a false reading.

Do this for a few mornings to establish a pattern and to let you get comfortable with the procedure. After that, you only need do it once a week or so to see if your Candida problem is diminishing.

If you don’t have a problem initially, there’s no need to do it on a regular basis except under certain circumstances. Besides antibiotics, if you’ve had chemotherapy or radiotherapy, there is a strong possibility that your immune system has been adversely affected and that you have developed Candida as a result.

Although this Candida/saliva test is not guaranteed, it at least will cost you nothing. If you prefer a proper scientific test for Candida, Genova Diagnostics in the US ( and UK ( as well as the Biolab Medical Unit in London ( can do the tests.


Stool analysis.If you suffer from bowel symptoms like bloating, wind, indigestion, diarrhoea, constipation or itchy rectum or you pass mucus rectally, the chances are you have some sort of ‘infection’. A good deal of evidence in the medical literature agrees that infectious organisms in the bowel can not only cause inflammation in any organ, but are also responsible for arthritis and even cancer, especially if you have a genetic predisposition.

Even if you’re not aware of specific bowel symptoms suggestive of possible unwanted organisms in your gut, but do have cancer of any sort, I strongly suggest that you seriously consider having these tests done. I have seen many patients over the years with absolutely no symptoms whatsoever who, after having the appropriate tests done, had considerable numbers of different infections.

When these organisms were cleared, the symptoms they consulted me about either improved considerably or disappeared completely. These tests are available from Genova Diagnostics and Biolab (see above).


NeuroLab tests


In my experience, the tests available through this laboratory ( are invaluable. They can help identify your cancer status and so help to assess progress. They can also tell you the state of your immune system. And if you’ve been given the ‘all clear’ for cancer, they can tell you if cancer is beginning to develop, so you don’t wait till it’s full-blown. Although no test is 100 per cent guaranteed accurate, in my opinion these are state of the art and very useful. You also need to remember that the results are a snapshot of you at the time the blood was taken, but they can be useful for tracking your progress.


Telomerase, pyruvate kinase and laevorotatory lactic acid.These three tests can tell if there is cancer anywhere in your body, although they don’t tell you exactly where it is. If you want to know if cancer may or may not be developing in your body, then these tests go a long way towards answering that question.


p185 HER-2 protein test.This is an indication of the metabolic activity of your cancer: the lower the response, the less active is your cancer.


Anti-p53 antibody test.This effectively examines the p53 gene, which sends out the message for old cells to die by apoptosis. If described as ‘wild’, it is functioning normally; if ‘mutated’, it means it is damaged, so that the natural cell-death message may not be going out correctly. In my experience, even patients with p53 genes described as ‘deleted’, suggesting they cannot ever come back again, may have them return to normal functioning in due course.


Immune function tests


Interferon (IFN)-gammareflects the health of your natural killer (NK) cells.

Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-betareflects your thymus helper (TH) cells in the same way that CD4 cell counts reflect AIDS status.

Interleukin (IL)-12reflects macrophages and dendritic cells, two other important parts of your immune system.

Other useful tests

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta.As VEGF levels rise when new blood vessels are forming, this can tell you when a tumour is growing new blood vessels and expanding, but bear in mind that levels are also high after an operation, when new blood vessels are part of the healing process. Cancer cells sometimes produce large quantities of TGF-beta to suppress your immune system.


TNF-alpha.Some people think cancer is an inflammatory mechanism, and one of the chemicals produced by the inflammatory cascade is TNF-alpha. If levels are high, your cancer may be due to a ‘non-self inflammatory cascade initiator’ (NSICI). The most likely origin of an NSICI is what you are exposed to most frequently in your daily life-your food and drink. Another test of inflammation, which your doctor could do on a blood sample, is for C-reactive protein (CRP).


Non-genomic RNA/DNA.This test can help identify whether you have a viral, bacterial or fungal infection, but a big drawback is that it doesn’t tell you exactly what the infection is or where it might be.


Homocysteine.One final important factor to check is your blood level of homocysteine, a far more important arterial ‘poison’ than cholesterol ever was. A raised homocysteine level increases your chances of getting cancer, and if you already have cancer, it’s important to keep levels low.

Most laboratories accept a level up to 15 mmol/L as normal, but that level is known to be a significant risk in just about every medical condition, especially cardiovascular ones like heart attack and stroke. The ideal level is below 6.0 mmol/L. A low level means your body can ‘methylate’: it can deal effectively with many undesirable chemicals. It also means you have plenty of SAMe and glutathione in your body, two important detox chemicals.



Doing something about all the underlying causes of your cancer is certainly important but, unfortunately, a ‘life force’ (the cancer) has been allowed to develop within your body. Undoing all the wrong is important, but a ‘rescue package’ is needed to kick-start your healing processes.

Besides all the dietary , supplement and lifestyle advice I usually give (see WDDTYJune 2014), when a cancer patient has consulted me, especially if they still had cancer and were undergoing chemo- and/or radiotherapy or were about to have an operation, I usually suggested that they receive intravenous infusions of vitamins and minerals.


Intravenous infusions

I’ve done enough blood tests on cancer patients to know they were nearly always nutritionally deficient when I first saw them. Many patients undergoing conventional treatment often feel sick, have upset bowels and a poor appetite, so at a time when they should be improving their nutritional state, exactly the opposite occurs.

Giving vitamins and minerals intravenously not only helped them feel better, but it also bypassed the bowel and its poorly functioning absorption mechanisms. This could also help counteract the undesirable effects of their other treatments without interfering with the intended effects, making patients more likely to successfully complete their course of chemo- and/or radiotherapy, should they choose to have them.

A number of my patients are totally convinced that the intravenous infusions of vitamins and minerals, which often included doses of vitamin C up to 50 g or higher, helped them reverse their cancer or complete a course of chemotherapy. They also reported to me that their oncologists were impressed by how well they had done overall and how well they had coped with the therapy’s known adverse effects, while other patients were feeling particularly unwell, with some having to interrupt their course of treatment when their blood counts were affected too badly to continue. In contrast, I remember one patient who continued to work throughout his course of chemotherapy and even won a National Championship during the treatment.

In the UK, there are some doctors who give this type of treatment, but they are few and far between, and not evenly spread across the country.

Of the many thousands of intravenous infusions of vitamins and minerals I have given over the years-not only to cancer patients, but also to anyone who I thought might benefit from them, the vast majority noticed a benefit. And some patients chose to have the vitamin or intravenous hydrogen peroxide infusions with no chemo- or radiotherapy.

Although none of my patients had severe reactions, if there is any likelihood that high doses of vitamin C will be needed, it is sensible to first have a blood test for the red blood cell enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). If absent, large doses of vitamin C intravenously, possibly just over 25 g, can cause haemolysis of the red blood cells, causing the patient to suddenly pass virtually black urine and feel most unwell. Haemoglobin levels fall dramatically, and a blood transfusion is necessary.

This test was done for all my cancer patients and I never gave more than 5 g of vitamin C initially. Only if the patient’s G6PD status was within normal ranges would I significantly increase the next dose to 50 g, and then to 75 g or even 100 g. The exceptions were patients with brain tumours, as large doses of vitamin C intravenously can cause swelling of the brain.</sp an>

High doses of vitamin C produce large amounts of hydrogen peroxide, so I sometimes gave 0.03 per cent hydrogen peroxide instead, especially if there was a reasonable chance that the cancer involved a fungus. But hydrogen peroxide needs to be given on its own, so if the patient also needed nutrients, I had to give a second infusion; the patient then had to be with me for at least three hours to receive the two infusions consecutively. If a patient lived nearby or chose to rent somewhere near me, I gave a daily infusion of high-dose vitamin C and only added the other nutrients once a week.

In my experience, giving intravenous nutrients before and after chemotherapy was very effective. However, the majority of oncologists resist having their chemotherapy patients take antioxidants at the same time, under the assumption that antioxidants will counteract the free radicals produced by chemotherapy.

In fact, a number of studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals demonstrate exactly the opposite. Nutrients and antioxidants given at the same time as chemotherapy not only seem to make the chemotherapy more effective, but they also protect normal cells against the potentially harmful effects of the chemo.

The frequency of infusions depends on a number of factors such as the distance you live from the person who gives them to you, the severity of your condition, the quality of your veins, the effect they have upon you and whether someone can accompany you, as a companion is a good idea, albeit not always essential.

If you know for certain you have cancer, try having infusions at least once a week to begin with, and more if you can (see box, right, for my typical dosages).


Concentrate on yourself


If you have cancer now, I strongly advise you to concentrate on yourself for at least the next three months, almost to the exclusion of everything else if possible. Once you have decided to take control of your own life, you need the time and space to do it properly.


Home treatments for various conditions


Here is a sampling of treatments you can do yourself in conjunction with your medical treatment, whether conventional or alternative, and after making dietary changes.


Go alkaline


Besides making your diet as alkaline as possible, try taking AlkaLizaTM, an alkaline preparation with a pH of 14 in concentrated form, so it MUST be diluted and the dose built up slowly according to your response. It comes with a supply of pH measuring sticks.

What to do:First thing in the morning, pass urine as usual, then drink a full glass of quality water. When you pass water a second time, test this sample using the following procedure: pass some urine into a clean dry glass, dip the pH paper dipstick into it and read the result after about 15 seconds; record the pH.

Dosage:Start with one drop of AlkaLiza in each of six glasses of water you’ll drink throughout the day. After a few days, measure the pH of your second urine sample as described above. Keep testing your urinary pH while slowly increasing the AlkaLiza dose-adding more drops per glass, but only up to 40 drops in 24 hours-until your test shows a pH of 6.5-6.8. Once you achieve a pH nearer 7.0 or above, reduce the dose until the pH is at the ideal 6.5-6.8. Thereafter, take AlkaLiza only according to your urine test results.


Oxygen treatment


Cancer thrives in a low- or no-oxygen environment, and an acidic environment is low in oxygen. Red blood cells (RBCs) are the most important oxygen-carrying components in blood, but cancer patients often have reduced numbers of these, and they’re also often in rather poor condition.

What to do:Saturating your blood with oxygen could make a significant difference, especially during exercise. Start with exercise that makes you breathe a bit deeper and your heart pump a little harder than at rest. As you need a supply of oxygen for this, choose something you can do at home, like an exercise bike, or start at the bottom of the stairs (with your oxygen cylinder on the second or third step up) and step up and down from the bottom step a number of times. Be sensible and cautious at first, but gradually build up to around 15 minutes a day of stepping.

Dosage:The oxygen apparatus I prescribe has two rates of flow; at rest, the 2 L/min is enough, but for exercise, use the 4 L/min flow. Ask for an oxygen cylinder with all the necessary attachments, and tell your doctor why you need this. If it doesn’t come on the NHS, offer to pay for it privately.


Essiac tea


In the early 1900s, Canadian nurse Rene Caisse (Essiac spelled backwards) treated cancer patients with various herbs with remarkable success. Not surprisingly, this got her into trouble with the medical authorities.

What to do:The preparation I used in my clinic, Ojibwa Indian Herbal Tea Tincture (from Harmonic Health), is a liquid mixture of those herbs. It’s a general immune-system stimulant, cleanser and gentle detoxifier; it may also increase oxygen levels in cells and so reduce acidity around the cancer, and ease pain, as claimed for Essiac tea.

Dosage:Place a few drops of Tea Tincture under the tongue for more rapid and effective uptake of the ingredients.


Liver herbs


What to do:Of the various herbs that cleanse and stimulate the liver, the best known is silymarin (milk thistle). The preparation I like is the Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse (Harmonic Health), which patients prepare like an herbal tea.

Dosage:As all liquid herbals are preserved in alcohol, put one-half to one teaspoonful into a cup, add boiling water and let it to stand for a few minutes for the alcohol to evaporate; then add suitably cool water and drink it, preferably 10-30 minutes before meals three times a day to begin with.


Anti-oestrogenic preparations


What to do:If you have breast cancer, it’s almost inevitable that you have too much oestrogen relative to progesterone. One natural oestrogen regulator-indole-3-carbinol (I3C)-is extracted from broccoli and other vegetables.

Dosage:I used a preparation called DIM Vitex, one capsule three times daily and preferably half an hour before meals. To further enhance the break down of oestrogen in the liver, I often also added calcium-d-glucarate (500 mg), three times a day a half-hour before meals, to prevent oestrogen reforming in the intestines. Another possibility is homeopathic Progesterone 200C at least once a day.


Supplements for breast cancer


What to do:Besides taking coenzyme Q10 (400 mg/day), CoQ10 it can be applied topically to the breast to concentrate the effect-and I suggest applying it to the unaffected breast too. Also, iodine has anti-infective effects, particularly against fungi, is anti-oestrogenic and can be applied to the affected breast twice a day.

Dosage:I suggest iodine first thing in the morning and mid-afternoon, and CoQ10 later in the morning and last thing at night. If iodine is applied directly to the breast twice a day, there’s no need to take it by mouth. I also recommend transdermal Magnesium Lotion, and selenium (at least 100 mcg/day half an hour before breakfast and the evening meal) and tyrosine (500 mg three times daily with the selenium) supplements.



Immune-enhancing preparations


What to do:If your NeuroLab tests showed poorly functioning NK cells, IL-12 and/or TNF-beta, all factors essential for your immune response to cancer (see page 38), there are supplements that can boost their function.

Dosage:To boost NK cells, take one sachet of Biobran three times a day for the first four weeks, then just one a day as an immune-cell stimulus. To boost IL-12 and/or TNF-beta, I recommend one capsule of Imm-Kine three times a day until a blood test, perhaps after three months, shows adequate or preferably higher than normal levels.


Managing infections


Some doctors believe that chickenpox/shingles and/or papilloma/wart viruses are involved in all forms of cancer, including of the lung and brain.

What to do:If your NeuroLab non-genomic DNA/RNA test is raised, try homeopathy. Repeat the test about two weeks after finishing the course and, if levels have fallen but not to normal, repeat the treatment. If there’s no improvement, it’s likely you took the wrong treatment.

Dosage:For the chickenpox/shingles virus, I suggest Malandrinum 200C twice daily for 14 days, then wait one week and take a combination of Rhus tox 12C and Box jellyfish 12C twice daily for 14 days. For the papilloma/wart virus, take Papilloma 200C twice daily for 14 days. How long you go on taking these treatments depends on your progress. If you’re sure you’re doing well, continue the treatment until you feel confident the cancer has gone. The best assessment is how you feel.


Managing stress


What to do:Stress strips magnesium and other nutrients from your body, and overworks the adrenal glands, which makes stress hormones.

Dosage:As oral supplements often fail, try applying transdermal Magnesium Lotion to any part of the body as often as possible, and take BioCare’s AD206, which contains specific nutrients and herbs to support and feed the adrenal glands.


Laugh, pray, forgive


An enormous body of evidence in the medical and scientific literature confirms the influence on the body of a person’s attitude towards life. The mind-body effect is variously called psychoneuropharmacology and psychoneuroimmunology, and scientists are also waking up to the fact that chemicals have a dramatic effect on the body and that our attitudes influence the chemicals we produce, creating more bad ones or more good ones according to how we think and act.


Forgive your past

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that emotions play a part in the development of cancer, sometimes a major part. It was a patient who recommended that I read the book The Journey by Brandon Bays (Harper Element), which I discovered was exactly what I wanted for my patients. The related courses and the book itself help patients complete their unfinished business with someone or some situation in the past that continues to cause pain, even illness, by ‘talking’ to the person or situation during a ‘journey’.

What I like about The Journey is that it deals with one emotional situation at a time and essentially clears it out. There is a time during the ‘journey’ when you have to ‘let go’, which some people find hard to do. In my experience, combining ‘journey’ work with some aspect of healing the physical body makes it easier to ‘let go’ when you need to.


Go inward and reflect

If you’ve just discovered you have cancer, you may still be in a state of shock. Or after having been told you were ‘all clear’, the cancer has come back again and doctors don’t have many new answers.

Although there are many things you can do to help yourself, I counsel you to first have a moment of quiet reflection. Don’t rush into anything. Take a moment for yourself. You don’t need to be a churchgoer or even believe in any of the world’s faiths to pray. To some people, that means getting down on their knees in a church and talking to whoever they are accustomed to praying to. To others it may mean finding a place of quiet contemplation, perhaps at home in a room that makes you feel comfortable or in a peaceful garden. Calm yourself down and try to make peace with yourself. It won’t make the slightest bit of difference to your long-term outcome if you delay doing something for a day or two. Choosing what is right for you will be far more beneficial.


Relaxation, visualization and affirmation

Relaxation exercises, meditation, visualizations and affirmations can be very powerful tools, and if there are others in the room who genuinely believe in what you’re doing, they can boost the effect by doing the same thing, but directing it towards you.


Happiness and laughter

It can sometimes be hard to be happy living with cancer, especially if you’re in pain. But if you can somehow manage to change your attitude, you will be surprised how it can help. If you have a favourite comedian whose programmes make you laugh again and again, record them so you can watch them whenever you’re feeling low or in pain.


Dr Kingsley’s vitamin infusions


If you can find someone to give you vitamins and minerals intravenously, here are the doses you can start with:


Vitamin B1, 100 mg

Vitamin B2, 25 mg

Vitamin B3, 25 mg

Vitamin B5, 250 mg

Vitamin B6, 100 mg

Vitamin B12, 1 mg

Folic acid, 2.5 mg

Vitamin C, 5 g

Magnesium sulphate 50%, 1 g

Elemental zinc, 20 mg

Elemental molybdenum, 100 mcg

Elemental selenium, 100 mcg

Elemental chromium, 100 mcg

Elemental manganese, 100 mcg

Glutathione, 300 mg


A small amount (2-5 mL, 8.4 per cent strength) of sodium bicarbonate and 4 mEq/L of potassium chloride can also be added. After diluting the vitamin mix with 300 mL of sterile water, it was administered to patients over 1 1/2 to 2 hours, making sure the patient drank at least three glasses of water while it was running in. After a few infusions, the folic acid or zinc could be omitted, unless the patient was being given a chemotherapy drug known to be a folic acid antagonist. Gradually increase the vitamin C dose to
up to 50 g.



AlkaLizaTM, Harmonik Ojibwa Indian Herbal Tincture, Transdermal Magnesium Lotion and Co-Enzyme Q10 cream: Wellbeing Research



DIM Vitex: Bio Response Nutrients



Biobran: The Really Healthy Company



Homeopathic progesterone 200C, Malandrinum 200C, Rhus tox 12C, Box jellyfish 12C, Papilloma 200C and Helicobacter pylori 30C: Ainsworths Homeopathic Pharmacy



Imm-Kine: Aiden Products



AD206: Biocare



Adapted from

The New Medicine: A Modern Approach to Clinical Illness(SureScreen Life Sciences). Although retailing for lb19.99, readers of WDDTY can purchase a signed copy of the book at a special 15 per cent discount of lb17 (plus lb3 p&p) and also benefit from many discounts on products named in the book.

To order your copy, email:


Dr Patrick Kingsley




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