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Anti-cancer diet

Reading time: 15 minutes

Dr Patrick Kingsley shares his tried and tested four-step programme to help you beat cancer

Over his 40 years as a physician, Dr Patrick Kingsley treated more than 5,000 patients with cancer-many consigned by modern medicine as beyond hope. Remarkably, most of his patients survived-co-editor Bryan Hubbard’s mother included. Despite what must be one of the best track records by any doctor for treating cancer, conventional medicine has expressed no interest in learning more about his unique approach. Now retired, Dr Kingsley has taken his medical technique directly to the public, sharing his life-saving regimes not only for cancer, but for all the other ‘no-hoper’ diseases he’s treated over the years in his new bookThe New Medicine. In an exclusive two-part extract, Dr Kingsley’s offers his highly successful anti-cancer diet, plus other do-it-yourself tips.

If you have cancer or know someone who does, you want a basic plan of what to do to help yourself. Recognizing that I don’t know you or your history, I will try to give you what we could call a ‘starter pack’ of self-help tips that you can use in conjunction with whatever medical treatment you’ve chosen.

Because of the extensive experience I’ve had with patients suffering from various forms of cancer and the evidence I’ve accumulated that changing most people’s diets considerably improves how they feel in general, I have devised what I call a ‘middle-of-the-road’ diet. This may need to be modified if you have problems with eating, swallowing, appetite in general or any physical effects of your cancer.

Certain foods are positively harmful to the body and some are neutral, but it’s best to consume mostly foods that are positively beneficial. Colourful fruits and vegetables contain flavonoids, which not only protect against cancer, but also help heal it. They are strong antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects.

The principle behind my anti-cancer diet is to work towards making 75 per cent of your diet foods that can be (but don’t have to be) eaten in a raw, organic and wholefood state, such as vegetables, salad items, pulses, fruit and seeds plus nuts. Another group is whole grains and, in particular, rice. The rest of your intake could be from eggs, deep-sea fish and wild or white meat like chicken and turkey. If you’re strictly vegan, you may need specific supplements.

Step 1: Change your diet

Find out what foods to avoid

The ALCAT (antigen leucocyte antibody) test is a blood test that incubates a tiny amount of blood with a tiny amount of about 110 named foods. After a bit of time, the blood/food mixture is examined to see what’s changed. Specific changes indicate that particular foods need to be avoided, named in a red/orange/yellow list (from the worst to least offensive), while a green list is safe to consume. But there’s a third list of foods that haven’t been tested, which initially should also be avoided.

You are also sent an information pack with your results, showing you how to start making the recommended changes to your eating habits. In my experience, the best way is to be aware of foods in the red list, but concentrate on the green list. This is likely to have 70 or 80 different foods to construct your diet from and, for the first four weeks at least, you should confine your diet to only these foods. But please don’t consume any of the foods that I recommend you avoid in my ‘ideal anti-cancer diet’, even though they may be on your ALCAT green list.

Avoid the following

All animal milksand animal-milk products (oat, rice and cashew-nut milks are excellent alternatives).

All forms of added sugar,but natural sugar in fruit is okay. If you need to sweeten something, use a little stevia.

Red meats, refined carbohydrates,tea and coffee and their decaffeinated forms, all food additives and anything in a packet (with a list of ingredients on it) or a tin.

All ‘yeasty’ foodslike store-bought bread, mushrooms and vinegars. This is because the metabolism of cancer cells is often fermentative, so it’s wise to avoid foods of a similar nature.

Salt-unless you live in a hot country and run the risk of becoming salt-deficient through sweating. Otherwise, never add salt or consume foods with salt added to them. Salt tends to unbalance your potassium levels, which you need to boost instead of salt. You can get a lot of potassium from fruit and vegetables. But if you become lethargic for any inexplicable reason, take a little salt and see if you improve. If you do, only take as little salt as makes you feel better.

Alcohol in all forms.Alcohol has to be metabolized by the liver, which needs to be relieved of as much

work as possible, so it can do its job in fighting cancer.

Soya.I am becoming suspicious of the hype surrounding the benefits of soya. It may be sensible to

avoid it for now or not consume too much.

Include the following

Oils.Use olive and coconut oils, but don’t heat them to high temperatures. Adding turmeric to olive oil can help prevent it from oxidizing when heated.

Drink quality waterlike filtered or bottled in glass bottles, herbal teas (check what they’re made of),
especially decaffeinated green tea,
and fresh fruit juices.

Herbs.Although most are okay, use turmeric as often as you can, as there is considerable evidence that curcumin, derived from turmeric, can halt various stages of cancer progression, and has protective and therapeutic effects against a wide range of cancers-at least in preclinical trials.1

Step 2: Take supplements

As you’re likely to be nutritionally deficient, it makes sense to take a multivitamin/mineral supplement every day, which will also benefit you far more effectively if you have detoxed sufficiently and have a good working digestive system.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs)

There’s lots of evidence that EFAs are important for people in general, but
especially cancer patients. If you take significantly more omega-6 in your diet than omega-3, you may be promoting inflammation from the omega-6 breakdown product arachidonic acid. If you’re vegan or don’t like or can’t take fish, then hemp or flax seeds (far better than the oil) are good for you.

Suggested dosage: Eskimo-3 fish oil, a 5-mL teaspoonful twice daily with food

Pancreatic enzymes

Most of us over a lifetime eat lots of food containing very few enzymes because it either didn’t have much in the first place or much of it was destroyed by the way we cooked it. As cancer is just another expression of an inflammatory cascade, a lack of sufficient enzymes over time could make cancer all the more likely to develop, especially if you have a genetic predisposition to it.

There is also scientific evidence that pancreatic enzymes are anti-inflammatory. Studies have been carried out in Germany and elsewhere on a particularly useful pancreatic enzyme formula that I use-Wobenzym-in my cancer patients,2 although I use a special reformulated preparation from America called Wobenzym N. The American variety, unlike its German counterpart, is not covered in sugar and bright red dye!

Suggested dosage: Take Wobenzym N, or any other pancreatic enzyme preparation for cancer, well away from food-at least two hours after a meal and one hour before the next, or after your evening meal before going to bed. The poorer your condition, the more you should take. The maximum I recommend is 12 Wobenzym N tablets three times a day between meals; start with one tablet three times a day and add an extra one each day so that, if everything works well, by day six, you will be taking six tablets three times a day. Always take these capsules with a full glass of water, or they will irritate your stomach.

Vitamin D

A good deal of published evidence has highlighted the importance of vitamin D in cancer, as vitamin receptors have been found in brain, breast, prostate and blood lymphocytes, amongst many other places in the body. In my experience, many cancer patients are highly deficient in vitamin D, so consider having a blood test to determine your 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels, but don’t accept your local laboratory’s reference levels as they will be based on local peoples’ levels, not on what they should be. Results between 20-40 ng/mL (50-100 nmol/L) are insufficient, and anything below 20 ng/mL (50 nmol/L) is definitely deficient. Work towards an ideal level of 65-85 ng/mL (160-210 nmol/L).

Suggested dosage: Take at least 4,000 IU/day vitamin D orally, especially in the winter months. Also eat oily fish, which provides vitamins A and D as well as omega-3 EFAs.

Vitamin C

I ask all my cancer patients to take as much vitamin C as they can. In most cases, this is by mouth, although some receive high doses intravenously.

Suggested dosage: I encourage all my patients to try for an oral intake of at least 10 g/day, preferably in at least four divided doses. If too much vitamin C is taken at once, it can upset your bowels in the form of wind, indigestion, diarrhoea and sometimes pain. In this case, simply reduce the dose for a few days and then increase it back up again. I use a particular preparation called Bio En’R-G’Y C by Longevity Plus. It is well tolerated by the bowel, but I recommend that patients start low and gradually work up to a tolerable dose.

Other antioxidants

Alpha-lipoic acid

Suggested dosage: Take 100 mg/day of ALA with each dose of vitamin C, as it helps to regenerate vitamin C, keeping C levels as high as possible.

Vitamin E

Suggested dosage: 800 IU/day

Vitamin A

Suggested dosage: 4,500 IU/day


Suggested dosage: at least 200 mcg/day


Iron is used not only to make haemoglobin, but also myoglobin (which carries and stores oxygen in muscles), hair follicles, the immune system and other metabolic functions. In parts of the world where starvation is rampant, iron deficiency leads to loss of immune function. If you have cancer, anything you do to keep your immune system working is worthwhile. What’s more, cancer cells feed on iron, amongst other things. If your iron levels are low, it’s important to boost your levels. But most iron supplements can cause constipation, so it’s important not to take any iron supplements unless there is clear evidence (such as from a blood test) that you need it. Most multivitamin/mineral preparations contain iron, so please only take one without iron if your test confirms you don’t need it.

If you have evidence of anaemia (around 10 g/L of iron), look for one of the new non-constipating forms of iron.

Suggested dosage: Start with one capsule daily (the usual dosage is 5 mg) to make sure it suits you and work up to one to three capsules last thing at night. Also take vitamin C with it to improve its absorption. Do not take any other minerals with iron as they compete for absorption sites.

Quinton Marine Plasma and Artemisinin

If your iron levels are very low, such as would normally require a blood transfusion, taking Quinton Marine Plasma by mouth may help you avoid a transfusion and all its attendant risks.

A diverse range of studies has been published on the benefits of marine plasma, including the original book by Ren’e Quinton and Jean Jarricot’s 1921 compendium of research.3 Artemisinin, isolated from the plant Artemisia annua, sweet wormwood, a herb employed in Chinese Traditional Medicine, is an alternative if you have normal iron levels, and there’s a possibility that your cancer cells may try to feed on it. This herb derivative is able to block the absorption and utilization of iron by cancer cells. It’s also able to stop parasites using iron-one reason that artemisinin has become a standard treatment for malaria.


As stress strips magnesium from your body as well as other nutrients, many people are deficient in magnesium. The problem is that trying to improve your magnesium status by taking oral supplements often fails. I suspect it’s because magnesium uptake is partially under the influence of an enzyme that is itself magnesium-dependent, so if your magnesium levels are low, your magnesium absorption mechanisms are also inefficient. Also, calcium, which most doctors insist we should all be taking in large amounts to prevent osteoporosis, especially postmenopausal women, competes with magnesium uptake. This means that the more calcium we take in our diet (including dairy), the less magnesium we may be getting.


Magnesium Lotion

This seems to work well, and many people have found it to be the answer to their magnesium problems. Just apply it to any part of your body as often as is practical. It also saves you from having to swallow yet another tablet.

Coenzyme Q10

Many studies have shown the value of potent antioxidant coenzyme Q10 for breast cancer.

Suggested dosage: As studies mostly used 390 mg/day, aim for 400 mg/day.

Step 3: Have a clear out

Many people are simply suffering from ‘toxic overload’ or ‘total load syndrome’, as Dr Theron G. Randolph started calling it in the early 1900s. The process of detoxification starts when you tidy up your diet and begin cutting out all items you know are bad for you. But there are other additional ways to detox.

1 A hot bath with ordinary Epsom salts or hydrogen peroxide. Add a tablespoonful of Epsom salts to your bath water and stir it round to make sure the granules dissolve fully. In subsequent baths, gradually increase the amount of salts you use-up to six tablespoonsful in a full bath-but check the effect on your skin. Likewise with hydrogen peroxide, start low, and don’t go any higher than six tablespoonsful of 6 per cent (20 volume) H2O2 in a full bath.

Don’t use Epsom salts and hydrogen peroxide at the same time, but see if you feel better after one rather than the other. If so, continue to use that preparation.

When you’ve had enough, get out and wrap yourself in two or three big towels, sit on the floor and sweat a little-like in a sauna. You can then open the window to let out the steam, shower to wash off any residues you have sweated out and dress in something comfortable. Plan to do very little for the next two hours. This is best done close to bedtime.

As you will have sweated out a number of electrolytes, it is sensible to replace them. The important and relevant ones are potassium, magnesium and sodium, so take an electrolyte replacement preparation such as E-Lyte.

2 Foot baths. Find a bowl large enough to put both your feet in or use two separate bowls, one for each foot. Fill with comfortably hot water, and add a tablespoonful each of Epsom salts, sea salt and olive oil. Put your feet in the water and leave them there for as long as you want to, perhaps while you watch TV or listen to some soothing music. Top the bowl up with more hot water every so often to keep the temperature at a comfortable level.

3 Far infrared (FIR) saunas are an excellent way to clear toxins from your body, but don’t use a regular sauna used by the public, as you are likely to inhale or absorb toxins that other users have excreted, even if the system is carefully cleaned and monitored. There are personal FIR blanket-type saunas that don’t need to become too hot to work properly and can be purchased relatively inexpensively.

4 LL’s Magnetic Clay is a special bentonite volcanic clay that, when used as a bath, draws toxic metals and chemicals out through the skin. It contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium in their natural states and is available from many sites on the web. Packets of this clay may also contain herbs and spices to enhance its effectiveness. As a caution, do not use this more than once a week in a bath.

For those too ill to get into a bath, the clay mixture can be used perhaps every three days as a footbath.

The company producing this clay offers a variety of different clays for different purposes but, in general, it’s probably best for most cancer patients to use the Environmental Detox Clay Bath and Clear-Out Detox kits.

5 Coffee enemas, probably first used on a regular basis by Florence Nightingale, were also described in the doctors’ ‘bible’, The Merck Manual, until 1977, when they were replaced by modern drugs coming into use at the time. The principle behind coffee enemas is that, while drinking coffee or ingesting any form of caffeine should be avoided by cancer patients, it is an effective way to increase the body’s ability to detox when given rectally. The specific large bowel/liver circulation means that coffee reaching the liver via this route helps the liver to more rapidly eliminate its metabolized waste with the next bowel movement.

These enemas often clear the pain of cancer, and nearly always make you feel far less ill after chemo-/radiotherapy without diminishing the effects of such treatment.

How often you do a coffee enema depends upon how bad your condition is and how much better you feel when you start doing them. Start with a small amount of coffee-perhaps half a teaspoonful-and gradually raise the dose to, say, a maximum of three teaspoons per litre of body-temperature water.

You can do coffee enemas as often as your lifestyle allows; if your condition is serious, work up to as many as you can manage in a day to begin with as you try to get your cancer under control, although it may be sensible to do only one on the first day.

Some people report a caffeine ‘high’ with a coffee enema. This is because they haven’t inserted the catheter far enough. It should be put at least six inches into your rectum, so that the coffee reaches the part of the lower bowel that connects to the liver via the portal blood vessels. For this reason, apply the lubricant to at least six inches of the catheter.

6 Colonic irrigation. Many patients are thoroughly constipated when they first consult me. They may have been opening their bowels once every 14 days for as long as they can remember, yet two or three bowel movements a day is normal. If there is any reason to think you might be constipated, a series of colonic irrigation is a good way to start.

7 Liver herbs like silymarin cleanse and stimulate the liver. Many companies provide their own mix, but I tend to use the liquid Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse by Harmonic Health, which can be prepared like an herbal tea. As all liquid herbal remedies are preserved in alcohol, I suggest putting one-half to one teaspoonful in a cup, adding boiling water and leaving it to stand for a few minutes while the alcohol evaporates. You can then add suitably cool water before drinking it, preferably 10 to 30 minutes before meals, three times daily to begin with.

Step 4: Boost your immune system

If the natural killer cells in your immune system are poorly functioning, I often recommend BioBran MGN-3 supplements, one tablet three times a day for the first four weeks, then reduced to one a day to maintain a stimulus to these essential cancer-fighting cells.

If other aspects of your immune system are poor, such as interleukin-12 and/or lymphotoxin (formerly tumo
ur necrosis factor), I recommend Imm-Kine, one capsule three times a day, until a blood test, perhaps in three months time, shows adequate or preferably higher than
normal levels.

Never persevere with anything that doesn’t seem to be helping you within a reasonable time frame. Mainstream medicine’s approach is to fix your problem for you-you do nothing but swallow the tablets or submit to an operation. Basically, you leave it all to your doctor.

My hope is that you realize I am encouraging you to do things for yourself, in conjunction with any medical health you seek, by learning all you can about yourself to start taking control of your own life.

Start believing you can make all the difference you want for yourself. If someone has given you a poor prognosis, don’t listen to them. You don’t have to fit into their statistics. You’re going to do something for yourself. You have time to make changes. You are now in charge.

What does cancer feed on?

Cancer cells feed mainly on sugar (as do fungal cells) and iron, so there’s little doubt that one of the most important dietary changes for someone with any kind of cancer is to avoid sugar in all its forms. I also advise avoiding refined white-flour products as well, as they are easily metabolized into sugar or, worse, used as nourishment by fungal-type organisms. Cooking potatoes at a high temperature, like roasting them in the oven, converts more of the carbohydrates into ‘sugar’ than boiling or steaming. In addition, I generally advise cancer patients to avoid foods that contain yeast in any form, such as cheese, mushrooms, vinegar, normal breads and yeast extract preparations, including most gravy mixes, as there is something fermentative about their metabolism.

The second important ‘food’ for cancer cells is iron, which is also important in the life cycle of parasites and fungi in general. This is why I advise most cancer patients to avoid red meats (which contain high amounts of haem/blood iron), and why they often become anaemic and don’t respond well to iron supplements or blood transfusions. In fact, these can make matters worse.

Interrupting cancer cell iron uptake is sometimes an essential part of my cancer approach, especially if the patient is short of iron and needs supplementing for clinical reasons. Iron is an essential element in the body. Most of it is bound to transferrin or stored as ferritin in the blood circulation, and carried to tissues mainly to make blood. But free iron is harmful; it causes an inflammatory reaction in any tissue and stimulates cancer cells to flourish. Under normal healthy circumstances, there is very little free iron in the circulation, but two agents in particular can free iron from where it is bound: one is alcohol and the other is oestrogen. This is why anyone with cancer should give up alcohol entirely.

Resources and stockists

ALCAT Europe, the Middle East and South Africa: 0049-33022-023800. From anywhere in the Caribbean, US or Canada: 001-954-426-2304

For coffee enema kits and coffee:; tel: 01235 838 551

Wobenzym N and Bio En’R-G’Y C by Longevity Plus:; tel: 020 8123 2106

Quinton Marine Plasma:; tel: 01642 872 610

Transdermal Magnesium Lotion: Wellbeing Research (

Artemisinin:; tel: 08450 760 402

FIR blanket saunas :; tel: 01923 855 588

Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse by Harmonic Health and BioBran MGN-3 :; tel: 020 8480 1000


LL’s Magnetic Clay: www.goodhealth; tel:020 3746 3283

E-Lyte:; tel: 0345 2222 828

Eskimo-3 fish oil:; tel: 0800 212 742

Dr Patrick Kingsley

Read more about Dr Kingsley’s methods
for treating intractable illness in next month’s WDDTY.

Adapted from The New Medicine: A Modern Approach to Clinical Illness (SureScreen Life Sciences). Although retailing for lb19.99, readers of WDDTY can purchase a signed copy of the book at a special 15 per cent discount of lb17 (plus lb3 p&p) and also benefit from many discounts on products named in the book.

To order your copy, email:



Anticancer Res, 2003; 23: 363-98; Curr Probl Cancer, 2007; 31: 243-305 ; Cancer Lett, 2008; 267: 133-64



Quinton R. L’Eau de Mer Mileau Organique. Paris: Masson, 1912; Jarricot J. Le Dispensaire Marin. Paris: Masson, 1921

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